Tag: war room
Creating a sanctuary or a “war room”

Many of you may not of yet seen the new film “War Room” from the Kendrick brothers. These men have made some of the best contemporary religious films I have seen. No they are not […]
Many of you may not of yet seen the new film “War Room” from the Kendrick brothers. These men have made some of the best contemporary religious films I have seen. No they are not […]
How to enter the reality of suffering without losing faith in God
Have you ever been in a situation where, to everyone outside, it looked like everything had fallen to pieces? A failed plan, a project or job fallen through, a serious illness, a financial loss, some […]
Catholics and Our Common Home: Caring for the Planet We Share
At last we are in fashion! Back in 1995 I wrote a CTS pamphlet entitled, Must Catholics be Green? It had seemed obvious to me for a long time that any sane person would want […]
World Mental Health Day: how can the Catholic Church offer pastoral support to those who need it?
Mental Health and the Christian response: personal reflections from a Catholic layperson: World Mental Health Day is coming this Saturday, 10th October. The theme this year is Dignity. Thinking about this from a Catholic perspective, […]
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The Birth of St John the Baptist
So often today I think many Christians feel they are the lone voice crying out in the wilderness. When all our family members and friends have fallen away from their faith it can be very […]
The Gift of Priests and Sisters: a resource from Ten Ten
Primary school children throughout the UK have been learning why certain people chose to follow God’s call to become priests and sisters by engaging in an innovative new project from the Catholic education organisation, Ten […]
Eight Songs for the Easter Octave
Divna Ljubojevic, Christos Anesti x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqRlJC-ckL4 Normally Orthodox liturgies are considerably more verbose than their Latin equivalents, but the opposite is the case for the Easter proclamation. While the Exsultet lasts ten minutes, the Byzantine […]
John Legend, Self-Gift, and the Last Supper
When a video has 800 million views on YouTube, it’s probably fair to say that it’s tapping into something pretty deep in our common humanity. John Legend’s love song, ‘All of Me’, is one such […]
How to help your children have a solid and lasting faith
As a parent one of the most important and enduring gifts we can give our children and grandchildren is a faith in Jesus Christ and his saving power. But we should be under no illusion, […]
When everything goes wrong and we are tempted to give up hope
When everything seems to go wrong and you get to the point where you are about to give up and rage and despair and collapse. That’s often the very moment when God wants to step […]
Are you a beleaguered clique or a creative minority?
Catholics are a minority in the UK today. But what do the Scriptures say about the vocation of creative minorities and the responsibility they have to build God’s Kingdom? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
Who is Jesus? (And, by the way, how to vote in the EU Referendum…)
A homily by Fr Stephen Wang, about the challenge of proclaiming Jesus Christ, and the political implications of St Paul’s theology of baptismal unity.
Why do you go to work in the morning?
As Christians we are called to loving service, and as adults we spend a third of our waking lives at work. So how do we turn our work into service? One of the deepest modern […]