Tag: vocation
The Gift of Priests and Sisters: a resource from Ten Ten

Primary school children throughout the UK have been learning why certain people chose to follow God’s call to become priests and sisters by engaging in an innovative new project from the Catholic education organisation, Ten […]
The merciful heart of a priest

A beautiful sermon by Fr Francesco Donega, about Christ’s mercy and the merciful heart of one of his priests: Fr Tony Sacré, whose Requiem took place on Monday: Two or three days before his death […]
Overcoming the fear of commitment

It feels as if we are part of an epic biblical scene: Two great tribes have gathered together from the four corners of the continent, at the place where the plain meets the mountains, to […]
How do I discover the purpose of my life?

The tenth film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download, on the topic “How do I discover the purpose of my life?” For information about how to use this film visit here. […]
Is God calling fewer people?

In a Pastoral Letter to be read in all the churches of the Diocese on the weekend of 25/26 April, the Rt Rev Mark O’Toole, Bishop of Plymouth, challenges all in the Diocese to promote […]
Vocation discernment weekend for Catholic women

This is from the Society of the Sacred Heart: For single Catholic women. Weekends of prayer, discussion, reflection, community… a time to ask questions, find out more… a time to be with others on a […]
Is God calling you to religious life?

Is God calling you to religious life? A homily about the meaning of religious and consecrated life in the history of the Church, and whether the Lord might be calling you to some form of […]
What if you could discover your vocation today?

A homily by Fr Stephen Wang about the meaning of the Christian vocations and how we discern our own vocation. Sometimes a vocation seems to grow quite naturally out of our life and our desires; […]
Year for Consecrated Life begins

This Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, sees the start of the Year for Consecrated Life. In announcing this year, Pope Francis said ‘Religious should be men and women able to wake up the world.’ […]
Knowing what to do with your gifts

What gifts have we been given? How do we know what to do with them? What meaning do they have for us and for others? A sermon by Fr Stephen Wang.
Vocation to Love, part 7: Job, Career or Vocation?

My great-nephew Aidan is five. He knows what he wants to do when he grows up. ‘I’m going to be a floor-layer,’ he says. I made a suggestion about a hobby he might enjoy. ‘No,’ […]
The Sacrament of Holy Orders: a new DVD resource for parishes, schools, vocation groups and catechesis

Catholic Faith Exploration (CaFE) have published an inspiring DVD about the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Do watch the trailer above. You can order it here. And read the blurb here: The Sacrament of Holy Orders – […]
The vocation to love, part 6: remembering Dorcas

I began this series of posts, you may remember, by talking about the Vatican II’s radical idea that every single Christian is called to a unique and irreplaceable mission. I then had a look at […]
A priestly vocation – to be an ambassador for Christ

On the day of my ordination, 14 September 1996, I gave people a prayer card. It’s what newly ordained priests often do. On it were written four words: Pray for Martin Boland and above this […]
Vocation, truth, and being true to one’s name

Vocations Sunday is coming up this weekend (11 May). Let me take a slightly angular way into this. In a recent interview Swedish singer Lykke Li (of “Sadness is a blessing” fame) finished with what was […]
The vocation to love, part 5: Vocation as conversion

We are all familiar with the conversion of St Paul – one of the most memorable moments in the history of the Church. Artists have had a field day with it, adding a colourful fall […]
Does God have favourites?

A homily from Fr Stephen Wang about the mystery of how God calls some people to faith and to particular vocations.
The vocation to love, part 3: God’s call in the Old Testament

The language of vocation, of being called to a way of life, has its origin in the Bible. The God of the Jews is both supremely Other – the sole origin and ruler of everything […]
The vocation to love, part 1: an invitation

What is the best-kept secret of the Second Vatican Council? Many of the Council’s radical ideas are now so integrated into our lives that we forget how new they were. But some of its riches […]
How to discover your vocation

Practical thoughts about how to discover your vocation, how to be open to God’s call in your life, and what you can do in your prayer life to help you on the journey. A homily […]