Tag: religious life
The Gift of Priests and Sisters: a resource from Ten Ten

Primary school children throughout the UK have been learning why certain people chose to follow God’s call to become priests and sisters by engaging in an innovative new project from the Catholic education organisation, Ten […]
Nuns on the Rise

In case you missed this on Thursday: The number of women entering convents in England and Wales has hit a 25 year high. From a low point of 7 in 2004, the numbers have steadily […]
Is God calling you to religious life?

Is God calling you to religious life? A homily about the meaning of religious and consecrated life in the history of the Church, and whether the Lord might be calling you to some form of […]
Year for Consecrated Life begins

This Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, sees the start of the Year for Consecrated Life. In announcing this year, Pope Francis said ‘Religious should be men and women able to wake up the world.’ […]
The Disciples’ Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present Day

A new book of essays about the theology of vocation, edited by Fr Christopher Jamison, published by Bloomsbury. Here is the publisher’s blurb: There is currently no shared language of vocation among Catholics in the […]
A day exploring religious life for young adults

Free to Follow Christ A Day exploring Religious Life for Young Adults Saturday 28th September The Poor Clares Convent, Crossbush, Arundel “By the profession of the evangelical counsels the characteristic features of Jesus — the […]