Tag: Relationships
Loneliness, part 1: the human condition

For many people, loneliness is that facet of human existence that they most dread and, from which, they tirelessly labour to escape. Yet, loneliness is one of the distinguishing hallmarks of our humanity. It is […]
The lost art of dating

Heather Cicchese writes about an experiment in a Boston College where instead of just ‘hooking up’, students take the risk of actually talking to each other. In a Starbucks on the Boston University campus, Dave […]
Do you want a ‘start-up’ marriage in your 20s or a ‘corporate merger’ marriage in your 30s or 40s?

Charles Murray dishes out some advice for young people. It includes looking at the difference between a “start-up”and a “merger” marriage, how to discern a soul-mate, and the importance of religious friends. (Full disclosure: I’m […]
Two powerful plays for young people about relationships, choices and the pressure to conform

We are delighted to announce Ten Ten’s latest production at The Tristan Bates Theatre in Covent Garden on Saturday 26 April. Babies and Chased are two short plays which explore the lives of teenagers as […]
‘Please God, find me a husband!’ A graphic novel about life, love and faith (and searching for a husband!) by Simone Lia

I can’t say I have read many graphic novels, but this is an extraordinary book. It tells the tale, as you would expect from the title, of Simone Lia’s search for a husband, and her […]
When you don’t live in the same world

Two cities overlap. One house, for example, belongs to one city; the neighboring house belongs to another city. But the citizens of one city are not allowed to notice what is going on in the other […]
Marriage enrichment weekends coming up

Take a look at the SmartLoving website for details of some marriage enrichment weekends that are taking place over the next few months. Couples who stay successfully and happily married have made marriage their mission. […]
Communion for the remarried: clarification and speculation from Archbishop Gerhard Müller at the CDF

An important statement by the head of the Vatican’s doctrinal congregation, the CDF, has reaffirmed existing church teaching on not admitting to the Eucharist Catholics who have remarried without first annulling their marriage. But in […]
The search for genuine friendship and love in today’s youth culture: Pure in Heart

Pure in Heart is a group of 18-35 year olds who seek to live out the Catholic Church’s teaching on chastity by means of prayer, friendship, study and mission. Pure in Heart started in Ireland following […]
The downside of living together before you get married

It seems so obvious: you love someone, marriage is a possibility, you are not 100% sure or 100% ready, so you move in together to test the water and test each other. It will help […]