Tag: family
How to help your children have a solid and lasting faith

As a parent one of the most important and enduring gifts we can give our children and grandchildren is a faith in Jesus Christ and his saving power. But we should be under no illusion, […]
Parenting and family life

On the first Monday of the month, Ten Ten send a newsletter to parents who have attended a parent session in a school. The newsletter includes a chapter from the booklet “Being a Parent Today: […]
Children are an extraordinary gift…

On the first Monday of the month, Ten Ten send a newsletter to parents who have attended a parent session in a school. The newsletter includes a chapter from the booklet “Being a Parent Today: […]
From the synod: Final report sets new direction for Church

[From Austen Ivereigh in Rome] The synod’s final report, approved in its entirety by 265 voting members yesterday evening, has spelled out ways in which the Catholic Church across the world can both bolster the family and help […]
How to lead people into a deeper understanding of God’s plan for the family: Catholic catechesis and RCIA

I have loved watching and following the footage of Pope Francis in the US recently, and have been overjoyed to hear of conversions and graces coming from his visit. Such a blessed time for a […]
The meaning of marriage

I once saw an elderly couple being interviewed on television. It was the day of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They were sat awkwardly beside each other on a lumpy sofa in their living room. Heavily […]
Advice for parents on the feast of St John the Baptist

I follow Archbishop William Goh of Singapore in his daily readings. I thought today’s was a particularly good one for parents. Here is the key section. You can read the whole piece here. The future of […]
A Guide to the Family Synod, Part 3: ‘The Gospel of the Family’

[The third in a series by Elizabeth Howard considering the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops in October. The previous posts are here and here.] Part II of the […]
A Guide to the Family Synod, Part II: ‘contemporary challenges’

[The second in a series by Elizabeth Howard considering the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops in October] After the ‘Introduction’ (discussed in my previous post), the […]
The Synod on the Family: Listening

[This is the first in a series by Elizabeth Howard looking at the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the synod of bishops in October] After the Extraordinary Synod […]
From the synod: the message to the People of God

The following message was approved by the synod this morning by 158 out of the 174 voting members. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, who headed the team redacting it, described it as a paraclesis, an early-Church literary form which […]
MA in Catholic Applied Theology (Marriage and Family)

With the Synod coming up, it’s a good time to advertise this MA on Marriage and Family at Maryvale. See the site here for more information, and the blurb copied below. This programme teaches the […]
Discipleship: How to Reach the Average Catholic Parent

Some news from an evangelisation survey (undertaken by Home Mission at the Bishops’ Conference) is interesting. To summarise, the following are some reasons that non-practising Catholic parents (with children at Catholic primary schools) gave for not going regularly to church: […]
Pre-synod jostling points to dynamism of Rome meeting on family

The Australian cardinal whom Pope Francis earlier this year put in charge of Vatican finances has added his voice to a large number of senior church figures warning against expecting changes to come from next […]
Natural Family Planning UK Conference – 15 November 2014

All NFP practitioners in the UK are warmly invited to attend the UK:NFP Conference. Booking for the 2014 conference in London, on 15 November 2014, is now open. Natural Family Planning in the UK is delivered by […]
Raising a moral child

Adam Grant discusses how parents can help the moral development of their children, particularly in the area of becoming a ‘caring’ person. Although some parents live vicariously through their children’s accomplishments, success is not the No. […]
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk

[Guest post by Rosemary Boyle] I have read various ‘parenting’ books, most of which didn’t really help. Now that the youngest of my 4 children is 17 and my oldest 26, I have discovered the […]
When you don’t know how to help your child or where to turn

For any mothers who know they need God’s help in their family life but are not sure how to turn to him: Take a look at this information from the Mothers Prayers website. Mothers Prayers […]
Pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization: Preparatory Document published

The Lineamenta – or preparatory document – for the 2014 extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops on the family has been published. This gives more information on the Vatican meeting that will examine the “Pastoral Challenges […]