Tag: faith
When you need a sledgehammer or a pile driver to get through to God

A homily for the Solemnity of the Ascension by Fr Stephen Wang
How to enter the reality of suffering without losing faith in God

Have you ever been in a situation where, to everyone outside, it looked like everything had fallen to pieces? A failed plan, a project or job fallen through, a serious illness, a financial loss, some […]
Why do some people believe and others not?

Why is it that some people believe and others don’t? Bartimaeus, the blind beggar in the gospel today – he certainly believes. But what about the other beggars sitting beside him at the city gate; […]
Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith?

Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang
The gift of faith

The seventh film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download, on the topic “The gift of faith”. For information about how to use this film visit here. For more information about […]
A new Catholic catechism from the CTS

I’ve just written a catechism! It started life as a series of short articles about the Catholic faith, and gradually morphed into a more systematic presentation within a traditional catechetical structure. The full title is The […]
Ten Ten updates: touching the lives and faith of young people through school drama and workshops

We often reflect that one of the great blessings of Ten Ten’s work is that everyone involved in the projects is impacted and blessed by the plays, workshops and projects. This includes students, parents, parishioners […]
Do Catholics need to have a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ”?

What does the language of ‘personal relationship’ and ‘encounter’ mean when we think about our friendship with the Lord? Is this kind of language helpful for Catholics who might have other ways of expressing their […]
Faith report: women stronger than men; Muslims than Christians; Evangelicals than Catholics

This article came out from John Bingham last week, Social Affairs editor at The Telegraph. Women are almost two thirds more likely than men to believe in God, a major study of attitudes among middle […]
An Advent Retreat, Part 1: prophecy, faith, and the Second Coming

Part 1 of a recent “Day of Recollection” to help prepare for the Advent season. By Fr Stephen Wang. For Part 2, click here.
Religious difference and the responsibility of joy

Just recently, the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome dedicated a new building to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. He wrote an occasional letter entitled “Renunciation of the truth is lethal to faith”. The letter is set […]
Discipleship: How to Reach the Average Catholic Parent

Some news from an evangelisation survey (undertaken by Home Mission at the Bishops’ Conference) is interesting. To summarise, the following are some reasons that non-practising Catholic parents (with children at Catholic primary schools) gave for not going regularly to church: […]
How to awaken curiosity about the faith in our friends and colleagues

One of the most difficult things we can encounter as Christians are friends who have no interest at all in Christianity, even if they “respect me for being a Catholic”. It is like a bridge of trust is there, […]
From Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar to a spiritual awakening in San Antonio many years ago

[Guest post by Katy Whisenant] Seeing all the publicity surrounding Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar has been a bit of a surreal experience, as not only did we grow up in the same small town near the […]
The difficulty of communicating the inner experience of faith

Is it possible to communicate the inner experience of faith? Take a look at this article by David Brook’s of the New York Times. There is a strong vein of hostility against orthodox religious believers […]
The longing of the human heart for God

A homily by Fr Stephen Wang about the longing of the human heart for God, from the Garden of Eden to the End of Time; given at Newman House, 2 February 2014, on the Feast […]
“My wife and I are atheists, but our daughter wants to be baptised Catholic”

More and more marriages these days are between people of different faiths. One of the big discussion points with such couples is how they will raise their children regarding questions of belief. Many say that […]
How to deepen your faith

How to deepen your faith: a homily by Fr Stephen Wang, given at Newman House Catholic Chaplaincy
When you don’t know how to help your child or where to turn

For any mothers who know they need God’s help in their family life but are not sure how to turn to him: Take a look at this information from the Mothers Prayers website. Mothers Prayers […]
Communicating the faith to a secular world: ‘it’s not about us it’s about them’

The best talk I heard at the Christian New Media Conference was by Sheridan Voysey, who was involved in setting up and hosting the Open House radio programme in Australia. The key was to follow […]