Tag: evangelisation
Do Catholics really need to share their testimonies?!

What does it mean to share your testimony? Why should we do it as Catholics? How can we do it wisely and effectively? A talk and workshop by Fiona Mansford, presented at Proclaim Westminster.
Proclaim ’15: A personal perspective

I wasn’t sure what to expect at Proclaim ’15 last weekend in Birmingham. Having been recently to the HTB Leadership Conference and having attended evangelical Catholic conferences like the St John Bosco conference in Steubenville, Ohio, I wondered how […]
Proclaim ’15: Pope Francis praises commitment to evangelisation at once in a generation Birmingham conference

Pope Francis sent a special message to around 900 attendees, representing Catholic parishes from across England and Wales, at a ‘once in a generation’ national Catholic evangelisation conference in Birmingham at the weekend. The message […]
The power of the Holy Spirit in our lives

The fourth film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download, on the topic “The Holy Spirit in our lives”. For information about how to use this film visit here. For more […]
Who is Jesus Christ?

The third film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download, on the topic “Who is Jesus Christ?” For information about how to use this film visit here. For more information about […]
Does God exist? How can we know? What difference would it make?

Does God exist? How can we know? What difference would it make? The second film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download. For more information about the programme, and how to […]
Sycamore: a new programme of evangelisation and catechesis for use in parishes, chaplaincies, schools and other settings

The Sycamore website has just been launched, and the first of ten videos uploaded. You can visit the site here. This information is from their WELCOME page: What is Sycamore? Sycamore is a new programme […]
One day conference on “Tools for evangelisation: communicating the faith”

A one day conference that will provide you with the tools to Communicate the Faith effectively to others. See the image above for full details: Saturday 25 April 10 am Registration – 4pm finish Downside […]
Why evangelisation really matters

Is the Christian faith just for Christians? Or is it something with a universal significance? And if we really believe this, what difference does it make to our lives? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
Religious difference and the responsibility of joy

Just recently, the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome dedicated a new building to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. He wrote an occasional letter entitled “Renunciation of the truth is lethal to faith”. The letter is set […]
How to awaken curiosity about the faith in our friends and colleagues

One of the most difficult things we can encounter as Christians are friends who have no interest at all in Christianity, even if they “respect me for being a Catholic”. It is like a bridge of trust is there, […]
Evangelisation: the miracles God can work through us when say Yes and put our trust in him

In this series of posts, “From the Mission Field”, I am sharing some inspiring stories: people open to the Holy Spirit, allowing him to do amazing things in their corner of the world. May these stories […]
Testimonies of faith

The Diocese of Portsmouth seems to have been putting some energy into its evangelisation and outreach through media. See this short video which is a young man’s testimony about his faith and what it means […]
Evangelisation: inspiring examples and encouragement “From the Mission Field” #1

Anyone in need of some ENCOURAGEMENT?! In this new series of posts, “From the Mission Field”, I want to share some of what I can see the Holy Spirit doing through some wonderful people around the country. […]
Can you have evangelists without first having disciples?

I came across this video earlier this week. Obviously, it comes from a Protestant context (so their concept of worship is not ours), but essentially, it is saying exactly the same thing that we Catholics […]
How to evangelise: practical tips for everyday life

Here are some practical tips for ordinary people about how we can evangelise in everyday life. A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
The Joy of the Gospel: a summary and guide to Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation

The first teaching document mainly authored by Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, is a bold and thrilling bid to send the Catholic Church worldwide on mission. Energetic, direct, lyrical, its language and style model the evangelisation to […]
Pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization: Preparatory Document published

The Lineamenta – or preparatory document – for the 2014 extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops on the family has been published. This gives more information on the Vatican meeting that will examine the “Pastoral Challenges […]
The New Evangelisation: What it is and how to do it

I’ve just had a new booklet published by the Catholic Truth Society called The New Evangelisation: What it is and how to do it. They tapped into the World Youth Day Rio fervour by putting a […]
Sacramental service station?

A little shout-out to all the parishes out there… Come on now, be honest Is your parish a sacramental service station? What do I mean by this? A service station is somewhere we pass through, on the […]