Tag: ethics
Living simply: the contemporary relevance of the virtue of temperance

Laudato Si’ challenges us to live a simpler lifestyle. In this, Pope Francis follows the teaching of his two predecessors. St John Paul II wrote: Simplicity, moderation and discipline, as well as a spirit of […]
UK Churches speak out against bid to allow ‘three-parent’ embryos

The Church of England and the Catholic Church have issued statements urging MPs next Tuesday to vote against allowing the UK to be the first country in the world to allow a new genetic technology that critics say is […]
Choosing life after not choosing death

There is a good article on Albert Camus over at the First Things website. Camus famously said that the fundamental question of our age was suicide. He thought that to live honestly, one had to […]
Making the market king

In recent days the readings at Mass have been exploring the story of the institution of the monarchy amongst God’s people. One can write for days on the different theologies of monarchy in the scripture, […]
True happiness and the real meaning of the moral life

If you are looking for a wonderful introduction to Catholic moral theology, you need look no further than William C. Mattison III’s Introducing Moral Theology: True Happiness and the Virtues. I have been working through it […]