Tag: assisted dying
Resisting assisted suicide

Tomorrow the UK Parliament debates a Bill tabled by the MP Robert Marris to legalise assisted suicide. The following is an excerpt from the new edition of a book by UK and US Catholic Voices coordinators Austen Ivereigh and […]
Assessing the evidence on assisted suicide

The debate over assisted suicide frequently generates more heat than light, and arguments are often based on anecdotes or appeal to emotion rather than evidence. When people do appeal to evidence, they often do so […]
Is there a difference between “suicide” and “assisted dying”?

The Assisted Dying Bill that comes before the House of Commons would “enable competent adults who are terminally ill to choose to be provided with medically supervised assistance to end their own life.” This is […]
Physician-assisted Suicide: Some Reasons for Rejecting Lord Falconer’s Bill

I have just written a report about the Assisted Dying Bill which is available to read and download here at the Care Not Killing website. The title of the report is Physician-assisted Suicide: Some Reasons for […]
The real dangers of Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill

Here are some of the responses to Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill, highlighting the weaknesses and dangers of the Bill. This is a briefing from the Catholic Church in England and Wales: What the Bill […]
Why the backers of assisted dying keep coming back

Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill had its First Reading in the House of Lords last week, and its second is expected on or close to 18 July. The Bill aims to change the law in order “to enable competent […]
Not Dead Yet: a petition urging David Cameron to follow through on his declared support for the idea that Assisted Dying should not be legalised

This is taken from the Not Dead Yet petition on the change.org site. You can sign the petition here. And visit the Not Dead Yet website here. Please sign the petition TODAY to stop Lord Falconer […]