Catholic Theatre Company wins award for stage play about human trafficking
Ten Ten, the Catholic professional theatre company, has won the Award for Best Stage or Film Production dealing with Modern Slavery for the play, “This Is My Body”. (In the photo above Home Secretary Theresa May […]
Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith?
Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang
Transformed in Christ: Autumn Update
Good morning, folks! There’s been some radio silence on the blog-front the last month or so… I don’t know about you, but for me, September and October seem to be the time of year you […]
World Mental Health Day: how can the Catholic Church offer pastoral support to those who need it?
Mental Health and the Christian response: personal reflections from a Catholic layperson: World Mental Health Day is coming this Saturday, 10th October. The theme this year is Dignity. Thinking about this from a Catholic perspective, […]
Letting God’s love touch your life
Adam is walking in the Garden of Eden at the very dawn of creation. He is like the first year undergraduate at Freshers’ Fair, winding through the stalls. It is a world of infinite possibility; […]
How to lead people into a deeper understanding of God’s plan for the family: Catholic catechesis and RCIA
I have loved watching and following the footage of Pope Francis in the US recently, and have been overjoyed to hear of conversions and graces coming from his visit. Such a blessed time for a […]
How to find Christ as you begin the new academic year
Thoughts for Catholic students as they begin the academic year: finding the positive behind the apparent negative in the bible and the Christian faith; the real reasons for coming to church; the joy of the […]
St John Bosco hits the charts
It’s not often you hear the phrases “Don Bosco” and “Amazon Top 200 Singles” in the same breath. This note just came in from the Salesians: We have just released a Don Bosco single to […]
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
I have often been told I have a very vivid imagination. This may be true. So often with our faith we have to use our imaginations to try and visualize the scenes we read about […]
Summary of new norms governing nullity procedures & press conference
The Vatican has released the following English-language summaries of the two documents promulgated today by Pope Francis reforming canonical processes for the declaration of nullity of marriage, in the Code of Canon Law (CIC) and the Code […]
Eight Reasons not to legalize Physician Assisted Suicide
From the Anscombe Bioethics Centre. 1. Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) would not address the urgent needs of the dying One attraction of PAS is that it is thought to address the suffering of the dying. […]
Happy 25th Anniversary, Youth 2000
I spent the bank holiday weekend at Walsingham for the annual Youth 2000 Summer Festival. There was a very nice piece about the group in the Catholic Herald just a few days before by Joanna […]
Our response to the refugee crisis will be judged by history
[Post by Brenden Alejandro Thompson] In the Twitterstorm provoked by the harrowing image of a three-year-old Syrian boy dead on a Turkish beach, the hashtags #IAmAnImmigrant and #humanitywashedashore have been trending, together with an image of St […]
Francis’s bold message to abortion survivors: come and be freed
Pope Francis yesterday sent media and commentators into a tailspin after calling for all priests to be granted the faculty to absolve the sin of abortion during the Year of Mercy (see Crux). The bold gesture, […]
The merciful heart of a priest
A beautiful sermon by Fr Francesco Donega, about Christ’s mercy and the merciful heart of one of his priests: Fr Tony Sacré, whose Requiem took place on Monday: Two or three days before his death […]
St Maximillian Kolbe
So often the saints we read about were men and women of old. Today’s Saint Maximillian Kolbe is a relative modern Saint. Canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II – his life makes fascinating […]
Francis declares 1 September ‘World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation’
Pope Francis has agreed with a request from the Orthodox for Catholics to join them in praying for creation on 1 September. The suggestion was made by Metropolitan John of Pergamon, who was part of […]
Living simply: the contemporary relevance of the virtue of temperance
Laudato Si’ challenges us to live a simpler lifestyle. In this, Pope Francis follows the teaching of his two predecessors. St John Paul II wrote: Simplicity, moderation and discipline, as well as a spirit of […]