Ecclesiam Suam and its Legacy
Venue: St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London Date: Monday 16th – Wednesday 18th June 2014 FULL DETAILS HERE In Collaboration with Leeds Trinity University and Newman University, Birmingham Pope Paul VI’s debut encyclical Ecclesiam Suam affirmed that ‘The Church […]
The vocation to love, part 6: remembering Dorcas
I began this series of posts, you may remember, by talking about the Vatican II’s radical idea that every single Christian is called to a unique and irreplaceable mission. I then had a look at […]
HTB Leadership Conference 2014
I can’t let this week go without writing about the HTB leadership conference… Now, nearly a week later, it’s like trying to grip onto the wonderful gifts of God we received, and not to forget […]
A priestly vocation – to be an ambassador for Christ
On the day of my ordination, 14 September 1996, I gave people a prayer card. It’s what newly ordained priests often do. On it were written four words: Pray for Martin Boland and above this […]
UK vocations upturn
Nearly 100 men and women entered convents, seminaries and religious houses across England and Wales in 2013. These entry figures include 44 men to seminary, 22 men to religious life and 30 women to religious […]
Vocation, truth, and being true to one’s name
Vocations Sunday is coming up this weekend (11 May). Let me take a slightly angular way into this. In a recent interview Swedish singer Lykke Li (of “Sadness is a blessing” fame) finished with what was […]
Spirit in the City, Preparation Event: Saturday 10th May
Saturday 10th May 2014: Get Set for Mission! This weekend! Join us for an inspiring afternoon ahead of the festival events and mission in the West End of London. Including: * Talk: How to share the […]
Evangelisation: inspiring examples and encouragement “From the Mission Field” #1
Anyone in need of some ENCOURAGEMENT?! In this new series of posts, “From the Mission Field”, I want to share some of what I can see the Holy Spirit doing through some wonderful people around the country. […]
Spiritual reading for Eastertide
I’ve just finished a beautiful book of talks and meditations by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger, called Images of Hope: Meditations on Major Feasts. It’s one of those traditional compilations that brings together someone’s […]
Can you have evangelists without first having disciples?
I came across this video earlier this week. Obviously, it comes from a Protestant context (so their concept of worship is not ours), but essentially, it is saying exactly the same thing that we Catholics […]
The struggle with infertility: Catholic perspectives on what it means for couples, and how others can support them
[A guest post about the challenge of infertility, edited by Rebecca Royse] Infertility Awareness Week, 2014: A Catholic Perspective One in six couples will experience infertility at some point in their marriage. Infertility is medically […]
Raising a moral child
Adam Grant discusses how parents can help the moral development of their children, particularly in the area of becoming a ‘caring’ person. Although some parents live vicariously through their children’s accomplishments, success is not the No. […]
Spirit in the City: can you help out at London’s largest Catholic festival?
Spirit in the City is a festival that gathers people of all cultures for a joyful and dynamic Catholic celebration of faith in the West End of London. The dates this year are 11 to […]
Between the fire and the water, an Easter homily, by Fr Stephen Wang
A homily from the Second Sunday of Easter, reflecting on the Easter fire, the baptismal font, the presence of Jesus in the Upper Room, the Canonisation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, […]
Welcoming the Gift, Acknowledging the Giver: Theologies of Gratitude. A Day Conference at Blackfriars, Oxford, Saturday 17th May
The philosophy, psychology and theology of gratitude do not seem to have received much attention, and Blackfriars’ Aquinas Institute is pleased to host a conference on Theologies of Gratitude jointly with the Jubilee Centre for […]
The secret of what makes the two popes saints
Speaking this week at a Vatican press briefing entitled ‘Why Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II are saints’, Fr Giovangiuseppe Califano, the current postulator for John XXIII’s canonisation – the fourth since 1966 – said that […]
The vocation to love, part 5: Vocation as conversion
We are all familiar with the conversion of St Paul – one of the most memorable moments in the history of the Church. Artists have had a field day with it, adding a colourful fall […]
The vocation to love, part 4: The call of Mary
Luke’s Gospel begins with two stories of vocation: of John the Baptist through his father, Zechariah, and of Mary to be mother of Jesus. John is a link between the Old Testament and the New. […]
Taking religion seriously and moving beyond an ‘unreflective atheism or agnosticism’
In a recent article, Charles Murray advises that an important aspect of living a fulfilling life is to take religion seriously. “Start by jarring yourself out of unreflective atheism or agnosticism”. Now that we’re alone, […]