The ‘reasonable accommodation’ of faith in the workplace

Many readers will recall the case of Celestina Mba, the Baptist sacked by a London council because she did not want to work on Sundays, which (following the Fourth Commandment) she regarded as exclusively for rest and worship. Mrs Mba was […]
Transformed in Christ, Confirmation Catechists’ Day, 21 February

I want to let people know about a training day for catechists that I will be leading on Saturday 21 February at Our Lady of Victories church in Kensington. We first ran this day in Portsmouth […]
The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope

I’ve written a review of Austen Ivereigh’s new biography of Pope Francis at the Quadrapheme website. You can read the full review here; and see the first few paragraphs copied below. There is, in Buenos Aires, […]
Weekend retreats for those wanting to experience religious life: Dominican women and Benedictine men

Two retreats are coming up for young people wanting to experience religious life, at the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph, and Quarr Abbey. Details are below. IN CORDE CHRISTI – In the Heart of Christ. […]
Holy Week for young people at Pluscarden Abbey

The Abbot and monks of Pluscarden Abbey invite young people (aged 18-30) to celebrate the Liturgy with them from Wednesday of Holy Week until Easter (1 to 6 April). Our guests will stay in the […]
Epiphany concert in London supporting minorities in the Middle East

St Patrick’s Soho is pleased to present Aradin Charitable Trust Fundraising Concert “The Epiphany” at 7:30- 9pm – 4th January 2015 (Sunday) in supporting education and cultural preservation of the minorities in the Middle East, […]
New Year retreat for young people in central London

Young people are warmly invited to attend the Youth 2000 New Year retreat entitled TAKE HEART which takes places in central London. With the Liturgy and prayer at the heart of the retreat, there is […]
New Rector at the National Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham

Monsignor John Armitage has been appointed the new Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, in Norfolk. Mgr Armitage will leave his post as a Vicar General of the Brentwood Diocese. Cardinal Vincent […]
7 Quick Takes on joy, Christmas, Made for Glory, and disciple-making

-1- I love this image of joy, from new life in Christ! Apparently, St Seraphim of Sarov said, “The Holy Spirit turns into joy whatever he touches”. I know I have experienced this – I […]
Euthanasia and Assisted Dying: Lessons from Belgium

With Bills to legalise ‘assisted dying’ being considered in the Scottish Parliament and in Westminster, the Anscombe Bioethics Centre convened an international conference to consider the experience of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Belgium. The […]
MA in Catholic Applied Theology

Deepen Your Faith and Equip Yourself For The New Evangelisation. Study for a Master of Arts Degree in Catholic Applied Theology at the Home of Blessed John Henry Newman. Maryvale Institute has been a leader […]
The dignity of the human person: history, core ideas, and implications for healthcare

A talk about the dignity of the human person by Fr Stephen Wang. It includes four sections: the history of the idea of human dignity; the core philosophical concepts; the Judeo-Christian perspective; and the implications […]
The Dawn from on High: Young Adults Advent Retreat

A retreat to enter more deeply into the themes of Advent in preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. The weekend will offer the chance of encounter with Christ in prayer through the Benedictine […]
Launch of the Religious Freedom in the World Report – 2014

The launch of the Religious Freedom in the World Report – 2014 was held this afternoon in the House of Lords. This event commenced with an exclusive video address by HRH The Prince of Wales, […]
Gendercide: the reality of sex-selective abortion in the UK

Having spoken to thousands of students about the issue of abortion, most teenagers usually feel that abortion on the grounds of gender is “well, just wrong, Miss”, an attitude that seems to be shared by […]
7 Quick Takes on American evangelists, joke-practising, and lazy Sundays

-1- Such a busy couple of weeks… Just catching my breath! The non-stop busy-ness found a blissful interlude last weekend in an utterly contented Sunday with my sister, brother-in-law, little nephew, and some really good friends. Mass, […]
From the synod: the message to the People of God

The following message was approved by the synod this morning by 158 out of the 174 voting members. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, who headed the team redacting it, described it as a paraclesis, an early-Church literary form which […]
Vocation to Love, part 8: ‘Remember those in prison’

Yesterday I was introduced to Zac. Zacchaeus to you, the chap who is up the Jericho Tree. But he’s ‘Zac’ to the thousands of participants on the Sycamore Tree course. You see, it’s easier for […]
The Call to Discipleship – Young Adults Retreat (18-35)

31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2014 @ Worth Abbey The Call to Discipleship – Young Adults Retreat (18-35) Offering an opportunity for you to discover deeper meaning and direction in your life, to hear Christ’s […]
Pope Francis appoints Bishop John Arnold to be the Eleventh Bishop of Salford

Cardinal Vincent Nichols invites people to join with him in praying for Bishop John Arnold and the faithful of Salford Diocese as he prepares to take up his new appointment as their shepherd. On learning […]