Laudato Si’ – the new Encyclical from Pope Francis: a landmark in modern church teaching that will shape a new future

When it appears tomorrow, Laudato Si’ — “Praised Be You” — will captivate and divide the world by issuing the most robust challenge to the contemporary myth of progress in recent times. Any other document […]
A new Catholic catechism from the CTS

I’ve just written a catechism! It started life as a series of short articles about the Catholic faith, and gradually morphed into a more systematic presentation within a traditional catechetical structure. The full title is The […]
Why we all need to think deeply about chastity

Last week, we had the great joy of having Dawn Eden speak on “Living to Love: Why Chastity is Key” (see her speaking above in Basingstoke). I hadn’t read her book, The Thrill of the […]
Birmingham/Youth 2000 Retreat: 5-7 June

This retreat is a great place to gather together with friends and to meet new people while drawing closer to Jesus. There will be inspirational talks, live worship, a chance for discussion, workshops to suit […]
Scotland rejects assisted suicide

Members of the Scottish Parliament have voted down the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill for a second time by 82 votes to 36. In what amounts to a clear rejection of the principles of the Bill, first […]
The morality of nuclear weapons

I saw the RSC play Oppenheimer this week. It closes today so I’m sorry I can’t encourage you to see it. There were many themes and ‘messages’. For me, the overriding one was how it […]
Blessed Oscar Romero

Archbishop Oscar Romero is beatified today in El Salvador. Five years ago, on the 30th Anniversary of his martyrdom, Cardinal Vincent Nichols celebrated a Mass in his honour in Westminster Cathedral, and spoke these words. We […]
Pope Francis appoints new Bishop of Nottingham

Pope Francis has appointed Monsignor Patrick McKinney, as the tenth Bishop of Nottingham. Monsignor Patrick McKinney was born on 30th April 1954, the eldest son of Patrick and Bridget McKinney, originally from Ireland, and brought […]
Résumé virtues vs eulogy virtues

David Brooks reflects on the gulf that can open up between your external career and your inner character: ABOUT once a month I run across a person who radiates an inner light. These people can […]
A special kind of retreat

A Foyer de Charité Retreat will be held at the Sion Community, Brentwood from Sunday 12 July (6pm) – Saturday 18 July (2pm). The theme is God’s Plan for the Fullness of Time, and the […]
A retreat for young people this weekend, 24-26 April, Cardiff

This is from the Youth 2000 website and Facebook event: Join us in Cardiff for our Youth 2000 Cardiff Retreat – We Have Come. Our retreats are for Young adults age 15-35. To pre-book you […]
New Forum for Catechists

One of the requests from the Transformed in Christ day in Kensington was for a discussion forum for catechists using Transformed in Christ. I’m pleased to let you know you can now join the new TIC […]
One day conference on “Tools for evangelisation: communicating the faith”

A one day conference that will provide you with the tools to Communicate the Faith effectively to others. See the image above for full details: Saturday 25 April 10 am Registration – 4pm finish Downside […]
Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Richard Moth as the New Bishop of Arundel & Brighton

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Richard Moth, currently Bishop of the Forces, as Bishop of Arundel & Brighton. He will be the 5th Bishop of Arundel & Brighton. Bishop Moth was ordained a priest in […]
General Election 2015 – Letter to Catholics in England and Wales from their Bishops

The Bishops have released a letter addressed to Catholics across England and Wales about this year’s General Election. Over 500,000 copies of the letter have been sent to the parishes. The letter can be read […]
Pure in Heart retreat, 20-22 March

It’s coming… This year’s official Pure in Heart UK retreat! Led by Fr. Alan Sullivan, a Dominican priest from Dublin who has a great passion for the teachings of Theology of the Body – and […]
Day of International Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking

Today marks the first Day of International Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, which was announced by Pope Francis a few months ago. This afternoon at 3pm, we will host the premiere screening of our […]
Modern slavery

Slavery would have been familiar to Job. It’s not surprising, then, that he uses it as a vivid image of all that brings humans beings to their knees and demeans them. Job asks, Is not […]
Parliament approval of ‘3-parent embryos’ crosses a line, warn critics

The bishop representing the Catholic Church’s opposition to so-called “three-parent embryos” said he hoped there would be alternative means found to treat mitochondrial diseases that did not involve the destruction of human embryos. Bishop John […]
Faith report: women stronger than men; Muslims than Christians; Evangelicals than Catholics

This article came out from John Bingham last week, Social Affairs editor at The Telegraph. Women are almost two thirds more likely than men to believe in God, a major study of attitudes among middle […]