Catholic Parliamentary and Public Policy Internships

Now in its eleventh year, the Catholic Parliamentary and Public Policy Internship scheme provides eight recently graduated Catholics with an intensive experience of political and social action in a spiritual context. Four interns will be […]
The spiritual art of planning

Nowadays, a lot of my life involves scheduling, planning, organising, juggling. Doodle polls are becoming a very dear friend in the uphill struggle of conquering multiple jam-packed diaries to schedule a meeting. Maybe (although I’m […]
Vocation as exodus and transformation: message of Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Some beautiful passages from Pope Francis about the radical call at the heart of every Christian vocation. You can read the full text of his recent message here. It is Christ, therefore, who continually summons […]
What is the single most important predictor of a group’s effectiveness?

If a group is going to work well together – any group at all – what is the single most important factor that will influence its effectiveness? You might be surprised. I was intrigued by […]
Leadership and a sacred heart

Earlier in the summer, The Times newspaper carried a photo of the Labour Party leader, Ed Miliband, carrying a pile of books. His holiday reading. One of the books was Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the […]
On getting out of your head and learning to be unserious for a while

Henry Porter writes a lovely reflection about the importance of being unserious every now and then. There is no case of seriousness in the adult male that cannot be treated by a fortnight with a magnifying glass, […]
Pope Francis calls for just wage, deplores ‘slave labour’

A society that “does not pay a just wage”, that “does not give work” to people and that “only looks to its balance books, that only seeks profit” is unjust and goes against God, Pope […]
Ten Top Tips for Managing Your Class
OK, readers. These come from someone who has zero training as a teacher. But they are what I have picked up and learned (often the hard way) from giving catechesis myself. It is hard to […]