Thinking Christian Ethos: The meaning of Catholic education by David Albert Jones and Stephen Barrie

We are delighted to announce the launch of Thinking Christian Ethos: The meaning of Catholic education by David Albert Jones and Stephen Barrie. This book is about the meaning of Catholic education. It is not […]
Time to reflect: a Lenten weekend for lecturers

Time to reflect: Furness and the Cistercians a Lenten weekend for lecturers Boarbank Hall, Cumbria 11th-13th March 2016 As Christians we are committed to understanding education in the context of the picture of God and humanity that our […]
Faith in politics: apply now for the Catholic Parliamentary and Public Affairs Internships

The Catholic Parliamentary and Public Affairs Internship Scheme, which began in 2003, provides eight recently graduated Catholics with intensive experience of political and social action in a spiritual context. Four interns will be placed with […]
Are you happier when your values and your workplace are in harmony? A “Faith in Work” retreat at Boarbank Hall

This invitation comes from Good Works: I am writing to invite you to join us for a unique retreat on the May Day Bank Holiday Weekend to explore what work is really about, with fellow […]
Aslan is on the move

“It was a full moon and, shining on all the snow, it made everything almost as bright as day — only the shadows were rather confusing.” CS Lewis, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe […]
Transformed in Christ: Autumn Update

Good morning, folks! There’s been some radio silence on the blog-front the last month or so… I don’t know about you, but for me, September and October seem to be the time of year you […]
How to overcome the stress and sheer existential terror of exams and assignment deadlines

How to overcome the stress and sheer existential terror of exams and assignment deadlines. A homily by Fr Stephen Wang to encourage students during these last few weeks of the academic year.
Nuns on the Rise

In case you missed this on Thursday: The number of women entering convents in England and Wales has hit a 25 year high. From a low point of 7 in 2004, the numbers have steadily […]
Good Works, staying true at work: explore the new website

Take a look at the relaunched website from Good Works. If you don’t know about the project, see their “About Us” page, copied below: Good works makes it easier to help each other create a […]
It is vital that young Catholics involve themselves in politics

I’ve just written a piece for the Catholic Herald about the involvement of young Catholics in public life. In May this year, the country will return to the polls to elect a successor to the […]
What if you could discover your vocation today?

A homily by Fr Stephen Wang about the meaning of the Christian vocations and how we discern our own vocation. Sometimes a vocation seems to grow quite naturally out of our life and our desires; […]
Inspiration for the end of the year, Part 2: Compassion and kinship

The other video that has made a real impression on me this year is this TED Talk from Fr Gregory Boyle, founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, and an acknowledged expert on gangs, intervention and […]
Knowing what to do with your gifts

What gifts have we been given? How do we know what to do with them? What meaning do they have for us and for others? A sermon by Fr Stephen Wang.
The temptations you face when working in finance

Michael Lewis writes about the occupational hazards of working on Wall Street. He wonders why so many bright graduates still go into finance and what temptations they face when they arrive there. The question I’ve […]
Vocation to Love, part 7: Job, Career or Vocation?

My great-nephew Aidan is five. He knows what he wants to do when he grows up. ‘I’m going to be a floor-layer,’ he says. I made a suggestion about a hobby he might enjoy. ‘No,’ […]
Training and formation for Catholics involved in healthcare chaplaincy

St Mary’s University, Twickenham, is recruiting students to begin its successful Foundation Degree in Healthcare Chaplaincy. This part-time two year course provides Priests, Religious and lay people with a recognised NHS qualification to be appointed as a Roman Catholic Hospital Chaplain. Supported by […]
A Lenten weekend for lecturers: Boarbank Hall, Cumbria, 21-23 March 2014

As Christians we are committed to understanding education in the context of the picture of God and humanity that our faith teaches. The pressures of today’s Higher Education can tempt us to forget this. The weekend […]
The vocation to love, part 2: the baptismal call to be priests, prophets and kings

From time to time you hear a Christian of another denomination say, ‘He’s going into the Church’. That means, ‘He is training to become a priest.’ It wouldn’t fit very well as a Catholic turn […]
How to discover your vocation

Practical thoughts about how to discover your vocation, how to be open to God’s call in your life, and what you can do in your prayer life to help you on the journey. A homily […]
The common philosophy of Mark Zuckerberg and Pope Francis

I gave a talk about Pope Francis on Monday evening, and in I spent a lot of time commenting on the magnificent paragraph 49 of Evangelii Gaudium: Let us go forth, then, let us go forth […]