Falling in love is not enough: the true meaning of marriage

I want you to imagine that you are on the top of Mount Nebo. This is where Moses is standing in the First Reading of the Mass today, surveying the Land that has been promised […]
Good Works, staying true at work: explore the new website

Take a look at the relaunched website from Good Works. If you don’t know about the project, see their “About Us” page, copied below: Good works makes it easier to help each other create a […]
St Margaret Clitherow

[St Margaret’s feast tends to get forgotten because it falls on 25th March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation. So this piece is being posted today instead.] Like many Yorkshire women, Margaret Clitherow was not afraid […]
A Guide to the Family Synod, Part II: ‘contemporary challenges’

[The second in a series by Elizabeth Howard considering the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops in October] After the ‘Introduction’ (discussed in my previous post), the […]
The Synod on the Family: Listening

[This is the first in a series by Elizabeth Howard looking at the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the synod of bishops in October] After the Extraordinary Synod […]
When love is poured out through one person onto a whole community

For some people, a vocation arrives unexpectedly, even in the context of apparent tragedy. For Peter, it arrived when he was taken ill at the age of three. Suddenly, a normal, healthy, little boy was […]
Do Catholics need to have a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ”?

What does the language of ‘personal relationship’ and ‘encounter’ mean when we think about our friendship with the Lord? Is this kind of language helpful for Catholics who might have other ways of expressing their […]
Praying for your future spouse, and not just that you will find them

A thoughtful post from Esther Rich about why single people might pray for the person they will one day marry – even though they haven’t discovered who they are yet. And yes, she also deals […]
The real meaning of hospitality

St Augustine loved to puzzle over the Emmaeus story. Why did the disciples not recognise Jesus when he was explaining the Scriptures to them? Why did he pretend to carry on walking? He went in […]
It is vital that young Catholics involve themselves in politics

I’ve just written a piece for the Catholic Herald about the involvement of young Catholics in public life. In May this year, the country will return to the polls to elect a successor to the […]
Is God calling you to religious life?

Is God calling you to religious life? A homily about the meaning of religious and consecrated life in the history of the Church, and whether the Lord might be calling you to some form of […]
What if you could discover your vocation today?

A homily by Fr Stephen Wang about the meaning of the Christian vocations and how we discern our own vocation. Sometimes a vocation seems to grow quite naturally out of our life and our desires; […]
Why are we all still single?

Some information about upcoming events linked to the Pure in Heart group and the Theology of the Body: Wednesday February 4th: Why are we all still single?: A look at some of the cultural influences […]
Learning to speak God’s own language

The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus is a great way to meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation. It can tell us a lot about what it means to be part of a new […]
Gifts for a King

The Feast of the Epiphany, traditionally celebrated on 6th January, is moved to this Sunday in some countries. We celebrate the arrival of the “The Three Kings” or ” Wise Men” from the East who […]
Everything that Jesus has done for us depends on what Mary has done for us

A sermon by Fr Stephen Wang about the significance of Mary in salvation history: showing how everything that Jesus has done for us depends on what Mary has done for us; and the more you […]
Inspiration for the end of the year, Part 2: Compassion and kinship

The other video that has made a real impression on me this year is this TED Talk from Fr Gregory Boyle, founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, and an acknowledged expert on gangs, intervention and […]
How love matures: from the Hollywood romance to a community of service and support

The excitement of the Synod has died down, and we are left with a year to ponder and pray. For the Press, it was all about controversy – homosexuality and second marriages. But for the […]
Knowing what to do with your gifts

What gifts have we been given? How do we know what to do with them? What meaning do they have for us and for others? A sermon by Fr Stephen Wang.
Religious difference and the responsibility of joy

Just recently, the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome dedicated a new building to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. He wrote an occasional letter entitled “Renunciation of the truth is lethal to faith”. The letter is set […]