Chiara Petrillo: a witness to life and joy

I’m half-way through the biography of Chiara Petrillo, the young Italian woman who died of cancer at such a young age in 2012, leaving behind her husband Enrico and young son Francesco. It is profoundly […]
From the synod: Final report sets new direction for Church

[From Austen Ivereigh in Rome] The synod’s final report, approved in its entirety by 265 voting members yesterday evening, has spelled out ways in which the Catholic Church across the world can both bolster the family and help […]
Transformed in Christ: Autumn Update

Good morning, folks! There’s been some radio silence on the blog-front the last month or so… I don’t know about you, but for me, September and October seem to be the time of year you […]
Letting God’s love touch your life

Adam is walking in the Garden of Eden at the very dawn of creation. He is like the first year undergraduate at Freshers’ Fair, winding through the stalls. It is a world of infinite possibility; […]
How to lead people into a deeper understanding of God’s plan for the family: Catholic catechesis and RCIA

I have loved watching and following the footage of Pope Francis in the US recently, and have been overjoyed to hear of conversions and graces coming from his visit. Such a blessed time for a […]
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

I have often been told I have a very vivid imagination. This may be true. So often with our faith we have to use our imaginations to try and visualize the scenes we read about […]
Summary of new norms governing nullity procedures & press conference

The Vatican has released the following English-language summaries of the two documents promulgated today by Pope Francis reforming canonical processes for the declaration of nullity of marriage, in the Code of Canon Law (CIC) and the Code […]
Happy 25th Anniversary, Youth 2000

I spent the bank holiday weekend at Walsingham for the annual Youth 2000 Summer Festival. There was a very nice piece about the group in the Catholic Herald just a few days before by Joanna […]
Overcoming the fear of commitment

It feels as if we are part of an epic biblical scene: Two great tribes have gathered together from the four corners of the continent, at the place where the plain meets the mountains, to […]
The meaning of marriage

I once saw an elderly couple being interviewed on television. It was the day of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They were sat awkwardly beside each other on a lumpy sofa in their living room. Heavily […]
Advice for parents on the feast of St John the Baptist

I follow Archbishop William Goh of Singapore in his daily readings. I thought today’s was a particularly good one for parents. Here is the key section. You can read the whole piece here. The future of […]
A Guide to the Family Synod, Part 3: ‘The Gospel of the Family’

[The third in a series by Elizabeth Howard considering the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops in October. The previous posts are here and here.] Part II of the […]
Same-sex marriage in Ireland

The following statement was made by Senator Ronán Mullen, a leader of the campaign against amending the Irish referendum to allow same-sex marriage, following the decisive vote in favour of the amendment by 61 per cent […]
Character: how to overcome fear and let your soul shine like the sun, Fr Stephen Wang

What is more important: the things you have achieved or the person you have become? A reflection on character and the fears that hold us back, by Fr Stephen Wang.
May, Mary, the Rosary, and the prayers of children

This reflection on Marian prayer within the family comes from Edmund Adamus at the Office of Marriage and Family Life in Westminster Diocese. I was recently introduced to the acronym “KPI” which stands for ‘key […]
Infertility Awareness: A Catholic Perspective

This post is copied here, with permission, from the Conceiving Hope blog. It was written as part of the Infertility Awareness Week which took place last week: One in six couples will experience infertility at […]
Grief to Grace, Healing the Wounds of Abuse: London retreat this June

The next UK Grief to Grace retreat takes place from 8 to 13 June at The Kairos Centre, Roehampton, London, SW15 4JA. See their website here for full details. General information about the programme follows here: Grief to Grace is a specialised […]
How to overcome the stress and sheer existential terror of exams and assignment deadlines

How to overcome the stress and sheer existential terror of exams and assignment deadlines. A homily by Fr Stephen Wang to encourage students during these last few weeks of the academic year.
Nuns on the Rise

In case you missed this on Thursday: The number of women entering convents in England and Wales has hit a 25 year high. From a low point of 7 in 2004, the numbers have steadily […]
Is God calling fewer people?

In a Pastoral Letter to be read in all the churches of the Diocese on the weekend of 25/26 April, the Rt Rev Mark O’Toole, Bishop of Plymouth, challenges all in the Diocese to promote […]