How to help your children have a solid and lasting faith

As a parent one of the most important and enduring gifts we can give our children and grandchildren is a faith in Jesus Christ and his saving power. But we should be under no illusion, […]
Parenting and family life

On the first Monday of the month, Ten Ten send a newsletter to parents who have attended a parent session in a school. The newsletter includes a chapter from the booklet “Being a Parent Today: […]
When everything goes wrong and we are tempted to give up hope

When everything seems to go wrong and you get to the point where you are about to give up and rage and despair and collapse. That’s often the very moment when God wants to step […]
Holy Saturday: feeling His absence; yearning for His presence

Anyone visiting a church or chapel this Holy Saturday will meet the shock of an open and empty tabernacle, and an extinguished sanctuary lamp. We all know it’s coming, but each year it’s upsetting to […]
Children are an extraordinary gift…

On the first Monday of the month, Ten Ten send a newsletter to parents who have attended a parent session in a school. The newsletter includes a chapter from the booklet “Being a Parent Today: […]
Thinking Christian Ethos: The meaning of Catholic education by David Albert Jones and Stephen Barrie

We are delighted to announce the launch of Thinking Christian Ethos: The meaning of Catholic education by David Albert Jones and Stephen Barrie. This book is about the meaning of Catholic education. It is not […]
Catholic Church in England and Wales releases prayer to assist those seeking St Valentine’s Day soulmate

The Catholic Church in England and Wales has published a new prayer to assist those who want to meet their soulmate. Timed to coincide with the celebration of St Valentine’s Day – a day annually […]
Time to reflect: a Lenten weekend for lecturers

Time to reflect: Furness and the Cistercians a Lenten weekend for lecturers Boarbank Hall, Cumbria 11th-13th March 2016 As Christians we are committed to understanding education in the context of the picture of God and humanity that our […]
Thinking Faith: A holiday and study week for Catholic students and young professionals

Thinking Faith – Faith and Creation A holiday and study week for Catholic students and young professionals Boarbank Hall, Cumbria 16th-23rd July 2016 Would you like: *An alternative to World Youth Day? *Daily prayer and liturgy […]
Prophecy: you have to open your mouth and speak

We have all been anointed at our baptism, to be prophets in the world, and especially to give testimony to the faith that we have received. A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
Prophecy, truth, love

Last Sunday, the readings the Church gives us help us to reflect on a fundamental experience of God in our lives: the claim that truth makes on us [Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:31–13:13; Luke […]
Creating a sanctuary or a “war room”

Many of you may not of yet seen the new film “War Room” from the Kendrick brothers. These men have made some of the best contemporary religious films I have seen. No they are not […]
What’s the point of walking through a Holy Door?!

What’s the point of walking through a Holy Door in this Year of Mercy? Don’t you have plenty of good doors of your own at home to walk through? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang […]
Faith in politics: apply now for the Catholic Parliamentary and Public Affairs Internships

The Catholic Parliamentary and Public Affairs Internship Scheme, which began in 2003, provides eight recently graduated Catholics with intensive experience of political and social action in a spiritual context. Four interns will be placed with […]
RCIA: Don’t stop with just a programme

As you all know, I’ve written tons and tons and tons on RCIA. When you are doing a year-round process with enquiry and Catechumenate running simultaneously, I find that fully responding to the Holy Spirit means that […]
Are you happier when your values and your workplace are in harmony? A “Faith in Work” retreat at Boarbank Hall

This invitation comes from Good Works: I am writing to invite you to join us for a unique retreat on the May Day Bank Holiday Weekend to explore what work is really about, with fellow […]
Aslan is on the move

“It was a full moon and, shining on all the snow, it made everything almost as bright as day — only the shadows were rather confusing.” CS Lewis, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe […]
Is your generosity spontaneous or strategic?

Is your generosity spontaneous or strategic? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang [You can listen to the audio here or read the text below] So the Year of Mercy has been inaugurated this week by […]
Marriage & Confirmation: new translations for the Catholic liturgy

The Sacraments of Confirmation and Marriage mark a new stage of life for those who receive them. The celebration of these sacraments are joyful occasions when families and friends come together to pray and give […]
Visiting the “new jungle” in Calais

A DAY TRIP TO CALAIS A main street. The only one. Around a jungle of tents and rubbish. Mud, restaurants, shops. I am in the afghan area together with four others for a day trip […]