
Our Lady of Guadalupe, St Juan Diego, and the theology of the Mexican piñata

Filed in Spirituality by on December 12, 2013 0 Comments
Our Lady of Guadalupe, St Juan Diego, and the theology of the Mexican piñata

Down through the centuries there have been many reported sightings of Our Lady. But maybe none with such dramatic consequences as when she appeared in Mexico in 1531. A poor Aztec Indian named Juan Diego […]

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The greatest Advent calendars of all time: Number 1

Filed in Spirituality by on December 3, 2013 3 Comments
The greatest Advent calendars of all time: Number 1

I was given this tiny Advent calendar as a gift on Sunday, all the way from Germany. It’s about 10cm x 5cm. I thought it was very sweet but a bit boring – until I […]

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Student Cross – looking ahead to Holy Week 2014

Filed in Spirituality by on December 2, 2013 0 Comments
Student Cross – looking ahead to Holy Week 2014

Student Cross is a pilgrimage organised by and for students, young adults, and pilgrims of all ages, which has been running since 1948. Pilgrims experience Holy Week and the joy of the Resurrection as a […]

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Nightfever comes to London again on Sat 7th December

Filed in Spirituality by on November 28, 2013 1 Comment
Nightfever comes to London again on Sat 7th December

Nightfever comes to St Patrick’s Church again, in Soho Square, on Saturday 7th December. See the London homepage here. This information is from their website: Welcome to Nighfever London We invite you to come and […]

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Eschatological tensions: the feast of Christ the King

Filed in Spirituality by on November 26, 2013 0 Comments
Eschatological tensions: the feast of Christ the King

The homily from Newman House Chaplaincy this Sunday, on the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King.

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The Disciples’ Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present Day

Filed in Spirituality by on November 21, 2013 2 Comments
The Disciples’ Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present Day

A new book of essays about the theology of vocation, edited by Fr Christopher Jamison, published by Bloomsbury. Here is the publisher’s blurb: There is currently no shared language of vocation among Catholics in the […]

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Why western liberal adulation risks distorting the truth about Pope Francis

Filed in Catholic by on November 20, 2013 1 Comment
Why western liberal adulation risks distorting the truth about Pope Francis

‘Pope idol’ is the headline above the Sunday Times‘ informative profile of the ‘Francis effect’ — the term the media are using to sum up the invigorating, renewing effect of his papacy. The headline captures his […]

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The perspective that faith brings to life

Filed in Spirituality by on November 12, 2013 0 Comments
The perspective that faith brings to life

For many people, faith is seen as the way of the simpleton. If a believer doesn’t understand something, then instead of doing the hard work of investigation, one can simply say, ‘What a mystery,’ all […]

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The Creed as a summary of the Holy Scriptures and a mustard seed of faith

Filed in Catholic by on November 7, 2013 0 Comments
The Creed as a summary of the Holy Scriptures and a mustard seed of faith

Following on from Fr Martin Boland’s recent post about the Creed, see this beautiful text from St Cyril of Jerusalem about how ‘this brief statement of the faith keeps in its heart, as it were, […]

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This Saturday 9 Nov: a day with the new ecclesial movements and communities, ‘Many Streams – One River’

Filed in Catholic by on November 7, 2013 0 Comments
This Saturday 9 Nov: a day with the new ecclesial movements and communities, ‘Many Streams – One River’

This Saturday 9 Nov: a day with the new ecclesial movements and communities, ‘Many Streams – One River’. Taking place in Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London. See the website here. For booking info see here. […]

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Young Adults (18‐35) Advent Retreat, 29 November to 1 December, Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery, Sussex

Filed in Spirituality by on November 7, 2013 0 Comments
Young Adults (18‐35) Advent Retreat, 29 November to 1 December, Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery, Sussex

The Return of the King Young Adults (18‐35) Advent Retreat Friday 29th November – Sunday 1st December @ Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery, Sussex Talks – Space & Stillness – Prayer – Friendship A retreat to […]

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How to keep your faith at university

Filed in Spirituality by on November 5, 2013 1 Comment
How to keep your faith at university

How to keep your faith at university: a homily by Fr Stephen Wang, given at Newman House Catholic Chaplaincy.

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The extraordinary power hidden within the Creed we profess each Sunday

Filed in Catholic by on November 4, 2013 3 Comments
The extraordinary power hidden within the Creed we profess each Sunday

Millions of Catholics do it every Sunday. In the middle of Mass, we profess our faith in the Creed. Now, maybe it’s just Brentwood Cathedral, but when I look out at my congregation reciting the […]

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How to pray

Filed in Spirituality by on October 21, 2013 5 Comments
How to pray

How to pray: a sermon about prayer, given to university students; and in particular about the importance of setting aside a small amount of time each day for personal prayer. The secret of prayer is […]

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Quick takes on catechesis

Filed in Catholic by on October 17, 2013 0 Comments
Quick takes on catechesis

~1~ I love what Mgr. Charles Pope has written in this article on the plan he’s made for children’s catechesis in his parish. What I love most is his realisation that: It became clear to me in […]

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What is prayer? How can I pray? A new DVD resource from CaFE

Filed in Spirituality by on October 15, 2013 2 Comments
What is prayer? How can I pray? A new DVD resource from CaFE

If you have ever asked the question, ‘What is prayer? How can I pray?’ then you will appreciate this new DVD resource from the CaFE team. Called ‘Strength to Strength: the Practical Benefits of Daily […]

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World Youth Day Krakow 2016, Westminster Diocese pilgrimage teaser

Filed in Catholic by on October 3, 2013 0 Comments
World Youth Day Krakow 2016, Westminster Diocese pilgrimage teaser

Westminster Diocese is very quick off the mark in the race to coordinate a diocesan youth pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow in 2016. This is their ‘teaser’ poster. What do you think? They […]

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Called By Name: Young Adults Retreat (18-35), 25th–27th October 2013 at Worth Abbey

Filed in Spirituality by on September 30, 2013 0 Comments
Called By Name: Young Adults Retreat (18-35), 25th–27th October 2013 at Worth Abbey

The Called By Name retreat offers an opportunity for you to tune-in more deeply to the call of Christ in your life, to discern His will for you, discover deeper meaning and direction in your […]

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New DVD resource: Faith of our Fathers, In Search of the English Martyrs

Filed in Catholic by on September 30, 2013 0 Comments
New DVD resource: Faith of our Fathers, In Search of the English Martyrs

This DVD is just out from St Anthony Communications: Faith of our Fathers, In Search of the English Martyrs. You can order it from the St Anthony website here. It looks as thought it will be […]

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Pope Francis hits ‘reset’ — but not the way some imagine

Filed in Catholic by on September 27, 2013 3 Comments
Pope Francis hits ‘reset’ — but not the way some imagine

It is clear, six months into the heart-warming, unsettling whirlwind that is his papacy, that Francis is pressing the ‘reset’ button on the Church’s engagement with the world. It is an ambitious ‘reframe’, one allows […]

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