
A Foyer de Charité retreat for 18-40 year olds

Filed in Spirituality by on May 21, 2014 0 Comments
A Foyer de Charité retreat for 18-40 year olds

A Foyer de Charité retreat for 18-40 year olds at Micklepage What are the Foyers? The Foyers de Charité are Roman Catholic communities which have been formally recognised by Rome since 1986. Within them, lay men and […]

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Evangelisation: the miracles God can work through us when say Yes and put our trust in him

Filed in Spirituality by on May 20, 2014 22 Comments
Evangelisation: the miracles God can work through us when say Yes and put our trust in him

In this series of posts, “From the Mission Field”, I am sharing some inspiring stories: people open to the Holy Spirit, allowing him to do amazing things in their corner of the world. May these stories […]

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The vocation to love, part 6: remembering Dorcas

Filed in Spirituality by on May 13, 2014 8 Comments
The vocation to love, part 6: remembering Dorcas

I began this series of posts, you may remember, by talking about the Vatican II’s radical idea that every single Christian is called to a unique and irreplaceable mission. I then had a look at […]

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A priestly vocation – to be an ambassador for Christ

Filed in Spirituality by on May 11, 2014 3 Comments
A priestly vocation – to be an ambassador for Christ

On the day of my ordination, 14 September 1996, I gave people a prayer card. It’s what newly ordained priests often do. On it were written four words: Pray for Martin Boland and above this […]

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Vocation, truth, and being true to one’s name

Filed in Spirituality by on May 8, 2014 0 Comments
Vocation, truth, and being true to one’s name

Vocations Sunday is coming up this weekend (11 May). Let me take a slightly angular way into this. In a recent interview Swedish singer Lykke Li (of “Sadness is a blessing” fame) finished with what was […]

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Spiritual reading for Eastertide

Filed in Spirituality by on May 3, 2014 0 Comments
Spiritual reading for Eastertide

I’ve just finished a beautiful book of talks and meditations by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger, called Images of Hope: Meditations on Major Feasts. It’s one of those traditional compilations that brings together someone’s […]

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Can you have evangelists without first having disciples?

Filed in Catholic by on May 3, 2014 5 Comments
Can you have evangelists without first having disciples?

I came across this video earlier this week. Obviously, it comes from a Protestant context (so their concept of worship is not ours), but essentially, it is saying exactly the same thing that we Catholics […]

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Between the fire and the water, an Easter homily, by Fr Stephen Wang

Filed in Spirituality by on April 28, 2014 0 Comments
Between the fire and the water, an Easter homily, by Fr Stephen Wang

A homily from the Second Sunday of Easter, reflecting on the Easter fire, the baptismal font, the presence of Jesus in the Upper Room, the Canonisation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, […]

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The vocation to love, part 5: Vocation as conversion

Filed in Spirituality by on April 21, 2014 0 Comments
The vocation to love, part 5: Vocation as conversion

We are all familiar with the conversion of St Paul – one of the most memorable moments in the history of the Church. Artists have had a field day with it, adding a colourful fall […]

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The vocation to love, part 4: The call of Mary

Filed in Spirituality by on April 20, 2014 2 Comments
The vocation to love, part 4: The call of Mary

Luke’s Gospel begins with two stories of vocation: of John the Baptist through his father, Zechariah, and of Mary to be mother of Jesus. John is a link between the Old Testament and the New. […]

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Taking religion seriously and moving beyond an ‘unreflective atheism or agnosticism’

Filed in Spirituality by on April 17, 2014 2 Comments
Taking religion seriously and moving beyond an ‘unreflective atheism or agnosticism’

In a recent article, Charles Murray advises that an important aspect of living a fulfilling life is to take religion seriously. “Start by jarring yourself out of unreflective atheism or agnosticism”. Now that we’re alone, […]

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Notes for Holy Week

Filed in Spirituality by on April 15, 2014 0 Comments
Notes for Holy Week

~ 1 ~ Well, everyone, welcome to Holy Week. Some words before the Palm Sunday Procession struck me: “Let us commemorate the Lord’s entry into the city for our salvation, following in his footsteps, so that, […]

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A week of Catholic theology organised by the Dominicans for university students and young adults

Filed in Catholic by on April 14, 2014 0 Comments
A week of Catholic theology organised by the Dominicans for university students and young adults

A Vision for Life: The Spirit of Catholic Theology A Study week led by a team of Dominican Friars and Sisters in collaboration with the Benedictine monks of Buckfast Abbey offering a systematic overview of […]

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Does God have favourites?

Filed in Spirituality by on March 30, 2014 0 Comments
Does God have favourites?

A homily from Fr Stephen Wang about the mystery of how God calls some people to faith and to particular vocations.

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500 years of English Catholic history in 42 minutes

Filed in Catholic by on March 25, 2014 0 Comments
500 years of English Catholic history in 42 minutes

Fr Nicholas Schofield gave a talk at UCL CathSoc on Monday evening. Somehow he managed to get the history of the Catholic Church in England from 1514 to the present day into 42 minutes. You […]

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Where do people go when the course/programme has finished and they are hungry for more?

Filed in Catholic by on March 21, 2014 3 Comments
Where do people go when the course/programme has finished and they are hungry for more?

It often happens that you get to the end of a really fruitful programme/course/series in your parish, and people start to ask, “What’s happening next?” “We want to continue, this has been the experience of […]

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Is it good to base your faith on spiritual experiences?

Filed in Spirituality by on March 20, 2014 0 Comments
Is it good to base your faith on spiritual experiences?

A homily by Fr Stephen Wang about the place of religious experience in the Christian life, given at Newman House Student Chaplaincy.

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Where is Ireland going? What would St Patrick say and do today?

Filed in Catholic by on March 17, 2014 1 Comment
Where is Ireland going? What would St Patrick say and do today?

The video above, produced by Fáilte Ireland (the Irish tourist board) has been doing the rounds recently. It was produced in honour of St Patrick’s Day, and its central message is, ‘Ireland Inspires’. It celebrates the […]

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St Patrick

Filed in Spirituality by on March 17, 2014 0 Comments
St Patrick

  St. Patrick of Ireland – whose feast we celebrate today – is one of the world’s best known saints. He was born around 385, perhaps in Scotland, near Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and […]

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The key to understanding Pope Francis

Filed in Catholic by on March 10, 2014 0 Comments
The key to understanding Pope Francis

A talk by Fr Stephen Wang, which looks at the first sections of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, and gives a key to understanding the vision of Pope Francis and his first year in office.

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