“Who teaches us to love? Only the Holy Spirit”

I was slightly curious when the Holy Father recently lumped together “catechetical courses” with “courses in yoga, Zen and all these things” and said none of these would lead us to true freedom of the child […]
The meaning of your baptism

I’m late posting this homily (from the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord ten days ago), but it might still interest anyone who is baptised!
An Advent Retreat, Part 2: gratitude, repentance, and prayer

Part 2 of a recent “Day of Recollection” to help prepare for the Advent season. By Fr Stephen Wang. For Part 1, click here.
An Advent Retreat, Part 1: prophecy, faith, and the Second Coming

Part 1 of a recent “Day of Recollection” to help prepare for the Advent season. By Fr Stephen Wang. For Part 2, click here.
How Christianity can engage with contemporary culture: the example of St Alban

A talk by Fr Stephen Wang about the life of St Alban and it’s relevance for Christians today as they try to witness to their faith and work out the best way to engage with […]
New formation programme for catechists

Catechist Foundations for the New Evangelisation: A formation Programme for catechists of today rooted in prayer in the Benedictine Tradition. Click here for further information. This is a distance-learning course of 18 months duration, with 5 study days, […]
Transformed in Christ – a new Confirmation programme – available now

A new confirmation programme has just been launched, and both the Candidate’s Workbook and Catechist’s Guide are available to purchase from Gracewing now. See the Transformed in Christ website here. And the publisher’s ordering information […]
“The Church is alive!” How the faith of young people is renewing Catholic life in the UK

I’m just back from the Youth 2000 Summer Festival in Walsingham. One of the many highlights was the final evening of Thanksgiving and Testimony, where a good twenty or so young people had the courage […]
St John Paul II – Access All Areas

JPII – Access All Areas was published recently by One by One Press, a project of the Irish Dominicans. The book comprises 23 short chapters which reveal in manageable chunks the thought of Saint John Paul […]
Is Jesus Christ the unique saviour?

Is Jesus Christ the unique saviour? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang given at Newman House, 6 July 2014.
Preparing for Confirmation: thoughts, experiences, tips, advice, and much more

What a week! Thank you everyone for all your good wishes and encouragement. There have been so many enquiries about the programme. With this in mind, I wanted to share a bit more of the background story… […]
The Sacrament of Holy Orders: a new DVD resource for parishes, schools, vocation groups and catechesis

Catholic Faith Exploration (CaFE) have published an inspiring DVD about the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Do watch the trailer above. You can order it here. And read the blurb here: The Sacrament of Holy Orders – […]
Some exciting news about the Confirmation Programme

Well, people, there’s been a long build-up to this and it has been somewhat hectic since I’ve been squeezing it in among everything else… But – finally! – I can let you know that the Confirmation programme I have […]
Can you have evangelists without first having disciples?

I came across this video earlier this week. Obviously, it comes from a Protestant context (so their concept of worship is not ours), but essentially, it is saying exactly the same thing that we Catholics […]
A week of Catholic theology organised by the Dominicans for university students and young adults

A Vision for Life: The Spirit of Catholic Theology A Study week led by a team of Dominican Friars and Sisters in collaboration with the Benedictine monks of Buckfast Abbey offering a systematic overview of […]
500 years of English Catholic history in 42 minutes

Fr Nicholas Schofield gave a talk at UCL CathSoc on Monday evening. Somehow he managed to get the history of the Catholic Church in England from 1514 to the present day into 42 minutes. You […]
Where do people go when the course/programme has finished and they are hungry for more?

It often happens that you get to the end of a really fruitful programme/course/series in your parish, and people start to ask, “What’s happening next?” “We want to continue, this has been the experience of […]
Where is Ireland going? What would St Patrick say and do today?

The video above, produced by Fáilte Ireland (the Irish tourist board) has been doing the rounds recently. It was produced in honour of St Patrick’s Day, and its central message is, ‘Ireland Inspires’. It celebrates the […]
The key to understanding Pope Francis

A talk by Fr Stephen Wang, which looks at the first sections of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, and gives a key to understanding the vision of Pope Francis and his first year in office.
Forming intentional disciples

I’m re-reading Forming Intentional Disciples, people… Yes, in fact, I think I could read it three or four times. You might want to revisit with me some of the key points, because often we can […]