St Peter and St Paul

I remember a few years ago coming across a prayer which seemed to speak straight to me. It went something like this; “Lord: don’t look now I have my foot in my mouth again. The […]
What is the greatest Eucharistic miracle in the history of the Church?

What is the greatest Eucharistic miracle in the history of the Church? A sermon for Corpus Christi by Fr Stephen Wang
Who is God? Is it OK to call God “God”? Do we pray “to God” or “with God”?

Who is God? Is it OK to call God “God”? Do we pray “to God” or “with God”? A homily for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity by Fr Stephen Wang
Lent is about doing stuff and learning to not do stuff

Lent is here so early that I haven’t even finished my Christmas chocolate yet! But what is it all about? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang for the First Sunday of Lent.
Do Catholics really need to share their testimonies?!

What does it mean to share your testimony? Why should we do it as Catholics? How can we do it wisely and effectively? A talk and workshop by Fiona Mansford, presented at Proclaim Westminster.
Four amazing truths about the Holy Eucharist

A talk given by Fr Stephen Wang about the Holy Eucharist, with a focus on the Communion of Saints, the Living Word of Sacred Scripture, the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and […]
The Year of Mercy: what you need to know about the Jubilee

The basics, please. This morning, during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Pope Francis will open the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, which lasts until November 20 […]
Seventeen reasons not to go to confession during this Year of Mercy

Seventeen reasons not to go to confession during this Year of Mercy, a homily by Fr Stephen Wang. The YouTube audio is available here, and the text copied below: Think about this scenario: Tomorrow lunchtime […]
Pope Francis appoints two new Auxiliary Bishops to Westminster Diocese

Pope Francis has appointed as two new Auxiliary Bishops of Westminster Diocese, Canon Paul McAleenan (left in photo) and Mgr John Wilson (right in photo). The joint Episcopal Ordinations of Canon Paul McAleenan, a priest […]
Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith?

Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang
World Mental Health Day: how can the Catholic Church offer pastoral support to those who need it?

Mental Health and the Christian response: personal reflections from a Catholic layperson: World Mental Health Day is coming this Saturday, 10th October. The theme this year is Dignity. Thinking about this from a Catholic perspective, […]
How to find Christ as you begin the new academic year

Thoughts for Catholic students as they begin the academic year: finding the positive behind the apparent negative in the bible and the Christian faith; the real reasons for coming to church; the joy of the […]
St John-Baptiste-Marie Vianney: the Cure of Ars

If you’ve ever had a child suffer with difficulties at school then St John Vianney is the Saint for you. Born in Dardilly, near Lyon in France on 8th May 1786, John was a child […]
Proclaim ’15: A personal perspective

I wasn’t sure what to expect at Proclaim ’15 last weekend in Birmingham. Having been recently to the HTB Leadership Conference and having attended evangelical Catholic conferences like the St John Bosco conference in Steubenville, Ohio, I wondered how […]
Ten Reasons to Use ‘Transformed in Christ’ for your Confirmation Programme (Part 1)

I’ve been asked a lot recently about what I think about other Confirmation programmes on the market, and why a Confirmation group should use Transformed in Christ. Let me first of all say, there are some other […]
Can catechesis get in the way of making disciples? (Part 2)

(You can find Part 1 of this post here.) In the last post, I suggested there are two ways that catechesis can get in the way of making disciples. First, I wrote about how catechesis can […]
Catching up…

The past month has been non-stop can’t-catch-your-breath activity, and this weekend, I’ve been relishing getting caught up with “normal life”. All of this has been good and exciting, but how much we also need ordinary life, our home, normality. […]
Seven reasons not to go to confession

A homily about the Sacrament of Penance, including some thoughts about: the connection between the Transfiguration and confession; confession as a personal encounter with the Lord; confession as an “Apocalyptic Event”; 7 reasons not to […]
How to live Lent

Practical tips about what to do this Lent; and a few extra thoughts about why it’s not really about doing! A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
Why evangelisation really matters

Is the Christian faith just for Christians? Or is it something with a universal significance? And if we really believe this, what difference does it make to our lives? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.