Lord Patten proposes massive shake-up of Vatican communications

I was at the CCN World Communications Day lecture at St Patrick’s Soho Square last night. Lord Patten outlined the recommendations his committee has made to a Vatican commission about the reform of the Vatican […]
Who is Jesus Christ?

The third film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download, on the topic “Who is Jesus Christ?” For information about how to use this film visit here. For more information about […]
Does God exist? How can we know? What difference would it make?

Does God exist? How can we know? What difference would it make? The second film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download. For more information about the programme, and how to […]
What is happiness? How can we find it?

What is happiness? How can we find it? The first film in the Sycamore programme is now available to view and download. For more information about the programme and how to use the films, visit […]
Ten Ten updates: touching the lives and faith of young people through school drama and workshops

We often reflect that one of the great blessings of Ten Ten’s work is that everyone involved in the projects is impacted and blessed by the plays, workshops and projects. This includes students, parents, parishioners […]
Sycamore: a new programme of evangelisation and catechesis for use in parishes, chaplaincies, schools and other settings

The Sycamore website has just been launched, and the first of ten videos uploaded. You can visit the site here. This information is from their WELCOME page: What is Sycamore? Sycamore is a new programme […]
The secret of happiness: switching to a standing desk, whatever they might think about you…

Wake up, World! Sitting all day is killing you. That’s why I switched to a standing desk, and you should, too. I’m paraphrasing Tom O’Donnell, who began his piece, “Wake up, America!” He switched recently, […]
Natural family planning with FEMM: A new fertility management programme

This new fertility management programme comes recommended by one of our readers: FEMM (Fertility Education & Medical Management) is a women’s health program that teaches the link between hormones and health, and how to monitor observable […]
Muslims up, Christians steady, Unaffiliated down: 2010 to 2050

A recent report from the respected Pew Research Center has this title: “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050: Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the […]
Brentwood Stations of the Cross: BBC Meditation

This Good Friday Meditation was broadcast on BBC Essex to as part of the Brentwood Stations of the Cross Programme. It includes reflections by Fr Martin Boland and others associated with the project; scripture meditations; […]
“Faith in Film” Competition

With the theme of “The Truth is Out There. Have Faith”, this year’s Insight Student Filmmaker Award challenges the UK’s best student filmmakers to turn their creativity and their passion to exploring what faith and […]
From high fashion to a meditation on mortality and transcendence: the Alexander McQueen retrospective

It is easy to mock the world of high-end fashion for its preening, Zoolander excesses. With every passing Spring/Summer, Autumn/Winter collection, the business of fashion can be dismissed as a superficial enterprise, an ephemeral exercise […]
Jean Vanier wins the 2015 Templeton Prize

In case you missed this news last week: Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, a revolutionary international network of communities where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work together as peers, has won […]
No, Birdman isn’t about Hollywood

I read a snarky comment in the Evening Standard this afternoon suggesting that Birdman’s triumph at the Oscars was another example of Hollywood’s pitiful self-regard: the industry patting itself on the back, ignoring all those important […]
A relaunch of the great Dominican site “Godzdogz”

Godzdogz has moved home… We’ve joined the new website of the English Dominican Province, alongside Torch, the online Dominican homily resource. This brings under one virtual roof all the online apostolic activities of the Dominican friars of […]
‘White Rabbit’ National Tour 2015

RISE Theatre, the professional Christian Theatre Company, are touring their brand new original play ‘White Rabbit’ during Lent 2015. ‘White Rabbit’ is a powerful story about two people’s journey to faith – a journey of love, loss and […]
The Brentwood Stations of the Cross 3: the full programme of events

THE BRENTWOOD STATIONS OF THE CROSS – MAIN EVENT Saturday 7 March – 10 am Talk given by Fr Martin Boland, Dean and Parish Priest, Brentwood Cathedral on The Brentwood Stations of the Cross with […]
The Brentwood Stations of the Cross 2: what the fifteen artists actually did

Each artist was given the title of a Station together with an identical blank twelve inch square aluminium panel. They were completely free to respond to their allocated subject in whatever way they chose. I […]
The Brentwood Stations of the Cross 1: religion and art in dialogue

The popular view is that religion and contemporary art hold each other in more or less tolerant disdain. For those who have religious beliefs, contemporary art, having given up on the pursuit of beauty and […]