Are you beautiful? How do you know? Who makes the rules? Who tells the truth?

I heard a talk on Saturday about the biblical idea of beauty, and how distorted our own ideas of beauty have become within the prevailing culture. As an introduction, the speaker showed this ‘Onslaught’ video […]
Facebook on its 10th birthday

Jemima Kiss reports on the first ten years of Facebook, which was launched from Mark Zuckerberg’s student digs on 4 February 2004. By the end of 2013, Facebook was being used by 1.23 billion users […]
Communicating the faith to a secular world: ‘it’s not about us it’s about them’

The best talk I heard at the Christian New Media Conference was by Sheridan Voysey, who was involved in setting up and hosting the Open House radio programme in Australia. The key was to follow […]
How Christians can use the New Media

It was good to be at the Christian New Media Conference 2013 on Saturday. I couldn’t stay on for the award ceremony in the evening, but if you want to see a list of the […]
How you can help publicise the Jericho Tree website

If you have been enjoying these Jericho Tree articles, please help us to publicise the site over the next few weeks and months. We hope that the readership will grow over time, so that more […]
Me and you together – with our mobile phones

Take a look at this beautifully produced video about how the mobile phone has become part of every single human interaction. The question is: How do you react when you watch the video? Does it […]
The Christian New Media Conference 2013

For any Christians interested in New Media, this conference looks good. For Catholics, of course, the idea of ‘reimagining’ how we ‘do church’ has certain limits. But most Catholics could support the suggestion that ‘those […]