
Every now and then a film comes along that changes your understanding of what a film can be. This was my experience in the Odeon Covent Garden last night. I spent most of the two […]
Flame 2

Flame 2 is the largest National Catholic Youth event of 2015, taking place in the SSE Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March 2015. Doors open at 11, and Flame2 starts at 12, finishing at 5.30pm. The […]
Anselm Kiefer: earth, history, art, transcendence

I didn’t really want to see the Anselm Kiefer exhibition at the Royal Academy. All I knew about him was that his paintings are, generally, brown. Call me shallow, but if I have an hour […]
The importance of our church buildings

Today the Church celebrates the dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome. This Church was the first one to be built when the persecution of the Christians came to an end under […]
Ida: beauty in black and white

[Warning: minor plot-spoilers in my text; but major plot-spoilers in the trailer above!] If the Polish film Ida does not win an Oscar for best cinematography at next year’s awards then I will eat my […]
The power of film: surprise Spanish hit “La última cima” (The Last Summit)

Imagine a film about a priest that’s a box-office knock-out, a cinema success that outsells Harry Potter. Now imagine this priest is neither a Pope nor a celebrity nor a cause of scandal, but simply […]
Aradin: supporting Christian culture in the Middle East

A guest post from Dr Amal Marogy. From 30th June to 8th July, Aradin Charitable Trust ( organised a cultural course for priests and clergy of the Middle East under the title ‘Be inspired to inspire’. […]
This is My Body: now booking for the human trafficking play from Ten Ten Theatre

This Is My Body: Now Booking There are “reasonable grounds” to suspect that a Romanian woman, who has been working as a prostitute in the UK, is the victim of human trafficking. She is given […]
Summer news from Ten Ten Theatre

We hope this finds you well and that you have had a restful summer. Summer can be a great opportunity to be refreshed and reminded of what God is calling each of us to – […]
The difference it makes to sing the psalms

The Hebrew word for a “psalm” is mizmor which translates as “something sung”. The psalmist instructs, “Sing to the Lord with the harp/with the sound of music.” (Psalm 97) He’s issuing an imperative. When the […]
Spirit in the City: coming to the West End of London next week

Spirit in the City, the biggest Catholic Festival in the West End of London kicks off on Wednesday 11th June with a Medieval Chants concert at Notre Dame de France at 7:30pm, followed by three days […]
The Passion of Jesus, Trafalgar Square, London, Good Friday – 18 April

The huge Wintershall cast – including a donkey and horses – in colourful costumes, realistic scenes and a heart-moving crucifixion and resurrection: The Passion of Jesus makes a great impact. The Passion of Jesus has […]
How to enter into the Passion and Resurrection of Christ

Lent is passing so quickly and we are in the final days before Holy Week. I don’t know about you, but I always find the emotion of Holy Week quite hard to take. Perhaps it […]
A meditation on Holy Week and the Passion of Christ – in a UK shopping centre

In 2013, Ten Ten Theatre – the Catholic professional theatre company – staged a Passion Play based on the Stations of the Cross involving over 250 people from the local churches and schools in Runcorn and […]
Two powerful plays for young people about relationships, choices and the pressure to conform

We are delighted to announce Ten Ten’s latest production at The Tristan Bates Theatre in Covent Garden on Saturday 26 April. Babies and Chased are two short plays which explore the lives of teenagers as […]
From Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar to a spiritual awakening in San Antonio many years ago

[Guest post by Katy Whisenant] Seeing all the publicity surrounding Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar has been a bit of a surreal experience, as not only did we grow up in the same small town near the […]
Soldier to Saint: London performance in April

RISE THEATRE is delighted to be returning with their second national tour of the ground-breaking play ‘Soldier to Saint’, to be performed across 21 venues. This includes a one-off London performance @St Aloysius Church Hall, Euston […]
Can you love someone with words alone? From Walt Disney to God’s touch in the sacraments

I have just seen two great films in twenty four hours: Her, a dystopian sci-fi vision of a very near future, and Disney’s Frozen, which goes into my top three films of the year. Very […]
‘A Tale of Two Sausages’ – a talk by Simone Lia

‘A Tale of Two Sausages’ – 7pm Thursday 20th February A talk by Catholic comic book artist and illustrator Simone Lia – author of “Please God, Find Me a Husband!” Be inspired, feel motivated and have […]