The Gift of Priests and Sisters: a resource from Ten Ten

Primary school children throughout the UK have been learning why certain people chose to follow God’s call to become priests and sisters by engaging in an innovative new project from the Catholic education organisation, Ten […]
Eight Songs for the Easter Octave

Divna Ljubojevic, Christos Anesti x Normally Orthodox liturgies are considerably more verbose than their Latin equivalents, but the opposite is the case for the Easter proclamation. While the Exsultet lasts ten minutes, the Byzantine […]
John Legend, Self-Gift, and the Last Supper

When a video has 800 million views on YouTube, it’s probably fair to say that it’s tapping into something pretty deep in our common humanity. John Legend’s love song, ‘All of Me’, is one such […]
Do you live to work or work to live?

Do you live to work or work to live? Two major Catholic thinkers of the twentieth century, Eric Gill and Josef Pieper, gave contrasting answers to this question. Gill, an artist and stonecutter, famous for […]
Prayers for children to learn and treasure

On the first Monday of the month, Ten Ten send a newsletter to parents who have attended a parent session in a school. The newsletter includes a chapter from the booklet “Being a Parent Today: […]
Rediscovering the beauty of God

This is a time for us to rediscover the beauty of God, the beauty of the face of Jesus Christ. Beauty is such an important way of thinking about God. Because beauty, at one level, […]
Catholic Theatre Company wins award for stage play about human trafficking

Ten Ten, the Catholic professional theatre company, has won the Award for Best Stage or Film Production dealing with Modern Slavery for the play, “This Is My Body”. (In the photo above Home Secretary Theresa May […]
St John Bosco hits the charts

It’s not often you hear the phrases “Don Bosco” and “Amazon Top 200 Singles” in the same breath. This note just came in from the Salesians: We have just released a Don Bosco single to […]
7 Quick Takes on Dorothy Day, poverty, disciple-making, babies and Hillsong

– 1 – So far this summer, I’ve loved being immersed in the ultra-inspiring autobiography of Dorothy Day. It is entitled, somewhat harrowingly, The Long Loneliness. I must admit, I’d always had a notion of Dorothy […]
Spirit in the City, 10-13 June, central London

Spirit in the City is a celebration of Christian faith in the heart of London, hosted by the Catholic churches in the West End. Visit the website here. The annual festival aims to share the […]
Ten Ten updates: touching the lives and faith of young people through school drama and workshops

We often reflect that one of the great blessings of Ten Ten’s work is that everyone involved in the projects is impacted and blessed by the plays, workshops and projects. This includes students, parents, parishioners […]
Brentwood Stations of the Cross: BBC Meditation

This Good Friday Meditation was broadcast on BBC Essex to as part of the Brentwood Stations of the Cross Programme. It includes reflections by Fr Martin Boland and others associated with the project; scripture meditations; […]
“Faith in Film” Competition

With the theme of “The Truth is Out There. Have Faith”, this year’s Insight Student Filmmaker Award challenges the UK’s best student filmmakers to turn their creativity and their passion to exploring what faith and […]
From high fashion to a meditation on mortality and transcendence: the Alexander McQueen retrospective

It is easy to mock the world of high-end fashion for its preening, Zoolander excesses. With every passing Spring/Summer, Autumn/Winter collection, the business of fashion can be dismissed as a superficial enterprise, an ephemeral exercise […]
Jean Vanier wins the 2015 Templeton Prize

In case you missed this news last week: Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, a revolutionary international network of communities where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work together as peers, has won […]
No, Birdman isn’t about Hollywood

I read a snarky comment in the Evening Standard this afternoon suggesting that Birdman’s triumph at the Oscars was another example of Hollywood’s pitiful self-regard: the industry patting itself on the back, ignoring all those important […]
‘White Rabbit’ National Tour 2015

RISE Theatre, the professional Christian Theatre Company, are touring their brand new original play ‘White Rabbit’ during Lent 2015. ‘White Rabbit’ is a powerful story about two people’s journey to faith – a journey of love, loss and […]
The Brentwood Stations of the Cross 3: the full programme of events

THE BRENTWOOD STATIONS OF THE CROSS – MAIN EVENT Saturday 7 March – 10 am Talk given by Fr Martin Boland, Dean and Parish Priest, Brentwood Cathedral on The Brentwood Stations of the Cross with […]
The Brentwood Stations of the Cross 2: what the fifteen artists actually did

Each artist was given the title of a Station together with an identical blank twelve inch square aluminium panel. They were completely free to respond to their allocated subject in whatever way they chose. I […]
The Brentwood Stations of the Cross 1: religion and art in dialogue

The popular view is that religion and contemporary art hold each other in more or less tolerant disdain. For those who have religious beliefs, contemporary art, having given up on the pursuit of beauty and […]