Fr Stephen Wang
Fr Stephen Wang is a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Westminster. He is currently Senior University Chaplain for the Archdiocese. Some of his articles have previously been published on his personal blog, Bridges and Tangents. See:
Fr Stephen Wang's Latest Posts
Why do some people believe and others not?

Why is it that some people believe and others don’t? Bartimaeus, the blind beggar in the gospel today – he certainly believes. But what about the other beggars sitting beside him at the city gate; […]
Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith?

Is it more important to keep the faith or deepen the faith or share the faith? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang
Letting God’s love touch your life

Adam is walking in the Garden of Eden at the very dawn of creation. He is like the first year undergraduate at Freshers’ Fair, winding through the stalls. It is a world of infinite possibility; […]
How to find Christ as you begin the new academic year

Thoughts for Catholic students as they begin the academic year: finding the positive behind the apparent negative in the bible and the Christian faith; the real reasons for coming to church; the joy of the […]
Happy 25th Anniversary, Youth 2000

I spent the bank holiday weekend at Walsingham for the annual Youth 2000 Summer Festival. There was a very nice piece about the group in the Catholic Herald just a few days before by Joanna […]
Overcoming the fear of commitment

It feels as if we are part of an epic biblical scene: Two great tribes have gathered together from the four corners of the continent, at the place where the plain meets the mountains, to […]
A new Catholic catechism from the CTS

I’ve just written a catechism! It started life as a series of short articles about the Catholic faith, and gradually morphed into a more systematic presentation within a traditional catechetical structure. The full title is The […]
Lord Patten proposes massive shake-up of Vatican communications

I was at the CCN World Communications Day lecture at St Patrick’s Soho Square last night. Lord Patten outlined the recommendations his committee has made to a Vatican commission about the reform of the Vatican […]
The morality of nuclear weapons

I saw the RSC play Oppenheimer this week. It closes today so I’m sorry I can’t encourage you to see it. There were many themes and ‘messages’. For me, the overriding one was how it […]
Blessed Oscar Romero

Archbishop Oscar Romero is beatified today in El Salvador. Five years ago, on the 30th Anniversary of his martyrdom, Cardinal Vincent Nichols celebrated a Mass in his honour in Westminster Cathedral, and spoke these words. We […]
Character: how to overcome fear and let your soul shine like the sun, Fr Stephen Wang

What is more important: the things you have achieved or the person you have become? A reflection on character and the fears that hold us back, by Fr Stephen Wang.
How to overcome the stress and sheer existential terror of exams and assignment deadlines

How to overcome the stress and sheer existential terror of exams and assignment deadlines. A homily by Fr Stephen Wang to encourage students during these last few weeks of the academic year.
The secret of happiness: switching to a standing desk, whatever they might think about you…

Wake up, World! Sitting all day is killing you. That’s why I switched to a standing desk, and you should, too. I’m paraphrasing Tom O’Donnell, who began his piece, “Wake up, America!” He switched recently, […]
Falling in love is not enough: the true meaning of marriage

I want you to imagine that you are on the top of Mount Nebo. This is where Moses is standing in the First Reading of the Mass today, surveying the Land that has been promised […]
Thinking about death

It’s often said that in our Western culture we hide from the reality of death. The more puzzling and worrying thing is that we seem so uninterested in what awaits us beyond death. A homily […]
An argument for having Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in every parish

I’m reading a book by Fr Vincent Martin Lucia called Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament, which is one of the spiritual books that Blessed Mother Teresa recommended to her sisters, and which she carried […]
God’s thirst for us

Yes, we thirst for God. As St Augustine wrote, Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. But part of the mystery revealed in Jesus Christ is that God thirsts for us as well. […]
Seven reasons not to go to confession

A homily about the Sacrament of Penance, including some thoughts about: the connection between the Transfiguration and confession; confession as a personal encounter with the Lord; confession as an “Apocalyptic Event”; 7 reasons not to […]
How to live Lent

Practical tips about what to do this Lent; and a few extra thoughts about why it’s not really about doing! A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.