Fr Stephen Wang
Fr Stephen Wang is a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Westminster. He is currently Senior University Chaplain for the Archdiocese. Some of his articles have previously been published on his personal blog, Bridges and Tangents. See:
Fr Stephen Wang's Latest Posts
Are you a beleaguered clique or a creative minority?

Catholics are a minority in the UK today. But what do the Scriptures say about the vocation of creative minorities and the responsibility they have to build God’s Kingdom? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
Who is Jesus? (And, by the way, how to vote in the EU Referendum…)

A homily by Fr Stephen Wang, about the challenge of proclaiming Jesus Christ, and the political implications of St Paul’s theology of baptismal unity.
What is the greatest Eucharistic miracle in the history of the Church?

What is the greatest Eucharistic miracle in the history of the Church? A sermon for Corpus Christi by Fr Stephen Wang
Who is God? Is it OK to call God “God”? Do we pray “to God” or “with God”?

Who is God? Is it OK to call God “God”? Do we pray “to God” or “with God”? A homily for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity by Fr Stephen Wang
The Holy Spirit brings divine order and divine chaos – depending on what we need most.

The Holy Spirit brings divine order and divine chaos – depending on what we need most. A homily for Pentecost by Fr Stephen Wang, Newman House.
When you need a sledgehammer or a pile driver to get through to God

A homily for the Solemnity of the Ascension by Fr Stephen Wang
When everything goes wrong and we are tempted to give up hope

When everything seems to go wrong and you get to the point where you are about to give up and rage and despair and collapse. That’s often the very moment when God wants to step […]
When time intersects with eternity

What is time? How can we use the gift of time? Who is the God who created time? A Lenten reflection by Fr Stephen Wang
Lent is about doing stuff and learning to not do stuff

Lent is here so early that I haven’t even finished my Christmas chocolate yet! But what is it all about? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang for the First Sunday of Lent.
Prophecy: you have to open your mouth and speak

We have all been anointed at our baptism, to be prophets in the world, and especially to give testimony to the faith that we have received. A homily by Fr Stephen Wang.
What’s the point of walking through a Holy Door?!

What’s the point of walking through a Holy Door in this Year of Mercy? Don’t you have plenty of good doors of your own at home to walk through? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang […]
Rediscovering the beauty of God

This is a time for us to rediscover the beauty of God, the beauty of the face of Jesus Christ. Beauty is such an important way of thinking about God. Because beauty, at one level, […]
Seven amazing truths about your baptism

If you know these amazing seven truths about baptism, how could you not hope and pray that your non-Christian friends would come to know Christ and ask to be baptised? A homily by Fr Stephen […]
Four amazing truths about the Holy Eucharist

A talk given by Fr Stephen Wang about the Holy Eucharist, with a focus on the Communion of Saints, the Living Word of Sacred Scripture, the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and […]
Is your generosity spontaneous or strategic?

Is your generosity spontaneous or strategic? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang [You can listen to the audio here or read the text below] So the Year of Mercy has been inaugurated this week by […]
Seventeen reasons not to go to confession during this Year of Mercy

Seventeen reasons not to go to confession during this Year of Mercy, a homily by Fr Stephen Wang. The YouTube audio is available here, and the text copied below: Think about this scenario: Tomorrow lunchtime […]
Chiara Petrillo: a witness to life and joy

I’m half-way through the biography of Chiara Petrillo, the young Italian woman who died of cancer at such a young age in 2012, leaving behind her husband Enrico and young son Francesco. It is profoundly […]
Is it right to fear God?

Is it right to fear God? What is the difference between a destructive fear and a “holy trepidation”? An Advent homily by Fr Stephen Wang: Look around you at the chapel walls. Look at the […]
Are you a secret syncretist?

Are you a secret syncretist? A homily by Fr Stephen Wang Here is the question: Are you a syncretist? Some of you are probably scratching your heads and wondering, “What on earth is that?” A […]