Staff Writers
These unsigned articles are prepared by different members of the Jericho Tree team
Staff Writers's Latest Posts
40 Days for Life vigil begins 25 Sept

The 40 Days for Life vigil begins in London soon, and in many other cities in the UK and across the globe. You can read more about the vision of the campaigns here. Do take […]
The human embryo: “One of Us”

Archbishop Peter Smith renews call to sign up to ‘One of Us’ as the petition collects its millionth signature: You may recall that earlier in the year, I invited people to sign up to the […]
The Christian New Media Conference 2013

For any Christians interested in New Media, this conference looks good. For Catholics, of course, the idea of ‘reimagining’ how we ‘do church’ has certain limits. But most Catholics could support the suggestion that ‘those […]
A day exploring religious life for young adults

Free to Follow Christ A Day exploring Religious Life for Young Adults Saturday 28th September The Poor Clares Convent, Crossbush, Arundel “By the profession of the evangelical counsels the characteristic features of Jesus — the […]

Please give us your feedback about the Jericho Tree website, using the comments box below. We welcome both praise and constructive suggestions! Please let us know what we are doing well, and how we could […]
The downside of living together before you get married

It seems so obvious: you love someone, marriage is a possibility, you are not 100% sure or 100% ready, so you move in together to test the water and test each other. It will help […]
How to read great texts with a spirit of curiosity, wonder and humility

This reading from St Ephraem comes up in the Liturgy of the Hours every year. It’s about how to approach the Sacred Scriptures, but it can be applied to any great text. It’s about the […]
On getting out of your head and learning to be unserious for a while

Henry Porter writes a lovely reflection about the importance of being unserious every now and then. There is no case of seriousness in the adult male that cannot be treated by a fortnight with a magnifying glass, […]
Praying with St Maximilian Kolbe, 27 September

Praying with St Maximilian Kolbe Friday 27th September, 7pm-10pm Notre Dame de France, Leicester Square WC2H 7BX As part of the programme in the Year of Faith and preparing for the theatre production of ‘Kolbe’s […]
Site Under Construction

Welcome to the Jericho Tree website. The site is under construction, and we hope to launch properly in September. Do post any comments or suggestions on the feedback page here. They may not be posted […]
Soldier to Saint: the tour has started and tickets still available
This is from the RISE Theatre site: After a successful London run in 2011, RISE Theatre is reviving its ground-breaking one-act play Soldier to Saint, bringing this challenging & thought-provoking drama to the very heart […]
Exploring Monastic Theology: Retreat for Young Adults this summer

Transfigured in Christ Exploring Monastic Theology – Retreat for Young Adults @ Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery 28th August – 1st September Four days of study, prayer and community alongside the monks of Worth Abbey and members of The Wellspring Community. With […]
Pope Francis appoints Bishop Alan Hopes as new Bishop of East Anglia

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Alan Hopes, currently Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, to become the fourth Bishop of East Anglia. Bishop Hopes was ordained priest in the Church of England in 1968 and served until […]
What children want. What children need. What children get.
You may not have seen the recent Unicef report about the way materialism has come to dominate family life in Britain. What children really want, says the report, is to spend time with family and friends, to […]