Staff Writers
These unsigned articles are prepared by different members of the Jericho Tree team
Staff Writers's Latest Posts
Archbishop Vincent Nichols: Homily for the Mass for the Victims of the Typhoon Haiyan

Westminster Cathedral – Friday 15 November 2013 My brothers and sisters, this evening we gather to pray for all who have lost their lives or been caught up in the horrific devastation caused by typhoon Haiyan, […]
Marriage isn’t for you – it’s for the other person

Thought-provoking thoughts about marriage and love from Seth Adam Smith: Having been married only a year and a half, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that marriage isn’t for me. Now before you start making […]
Pope appoints Rector of Allen Hall Seminary Mgr Mark O’Toole as new Bishop of Plymouth

Pope Francis has appointed as the new Bishop of Plymouth, Monsignor Mark O’Toole, until now Rector of Allen Hall Seminary in London. Mgr O’Toole’s episcopal ordination will take place at 2pm on Tuesday 28 January […]
The Creed as a summary of the Holy Scriptures and a mustard seed of faith

Following on from Fr Martin Boland’s recent post about the Creed, see this beautiful text from St Cyril of Jerusalem about how ‘this brief statement of the faith keeps in its heart, as it were, […]
This Saturday 9 Nov: a day with the new ecclesial movements and communities, ‘Many Streams – One River’

This Saturday 9 Nov: a day with the new ecclesial movements and communities, ‘Many Streams – One River’. Taking place in Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London. See the website here. For booking info see here. […]
Young Adults (18‐35) Advent Retreat, 29 November to 1 December, Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery, Sussex

The Return of the King Young Adults (18‐35) Advent Retreat Friday 29th November – Sunday 1st December @ Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery, Sussex Talks – Space & Stillness – Prayer – Friendship A retreat to […]
How you can help publicise the Jericho Tree website

If you have been enjoying these Jericho Tree articles, please help us to publicise the site over the next few weeks and months. We hope that the readership will grow over time, so that more […]
Pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization: Preparatory Document published

The Lineamenta – or preparatory document – for the 2014 extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops on the family has been published. This gives more information on the Vatican meeting that will examine the “Pastoral Challenges […]
Best modern churches awards

The search is on to find the Best Modern Churches built in the United Kingdom since 1953 in a new architecture competition launched by the National Churches Trust, The Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association and The Twentieth Century Society. […]
Me and you together – with our mobile phones

Take a look at this beautifully produced video about how the mobile phone has become part of every single human interaction. The question is: How do you react when you watch the video? Does it […]
Modern-day slavery and human trafficking

Today, 18th October, is Anti-Slavery Day, which was created by Act of Parliament ‘to raise awareness of modern slavery and to inspire people to eliminate it.‘ As the Anti-Slavery Day website explains: The Anti-Slavery Day Bill became […]
Ecclesiastical faculties of philosophy and theology in London: the Bellarmine Institute

This announcement about the Bellarmine Institute comes from Heythrop College: In the last few days, Heythrop College has received copies of decrees of the Congregation for Catholic Education dated 17 September 2013 re-activating the ecclesiastical […]
What is prayer? How can I pray? A new DVD resource from CaFE

If you have ever asked the question, ‘What is prayer? How can I pray?’ then you will appreciate this new DVD resource from the CaFE team. Called ‘Strength to Strength: the Practical Benefits of Daily […]
Christianity in Asia: how to keep informed via AsiaNews

AsiaNews has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and received the blessing of Pope Francis on its newly launched Spanish edition. If you want to keep informed about Christianity in Asia, and especially in China, visit their […]
World Youth Day Krakow 2016, Westminster Diocese pilgrimage teaser

Westminster Diocese is very quick off the mark in the race to coordinate a diocesan youth pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow in 2016. This is their ‘teaser’ poster. What do you think? They […]
Called By Name: Young Adults Retreat (18-35), 25th–27th October 2013 at Worth Abbey

The Called By Name retreat offers an opportunity for you to tune-in more deeply to the call of Christ in your life, to discern His will for you, discover deeper meaning and direction in your […]
New DVD resource: Faith of our Fathers, In Search of the English Martyrs

This DVD is just out from St Anthony Communications: Faith of our Fathers, In Search of the English Martyrs. You can order it from the St Anthony website here. It looks as thought it will be […]
Witness: a photographic exhibition looking at stories of Christian persecution and witness throughout the world
WITNESS: Inner Conflict and Truth 1st – 31st October 2013 Church of Notre Dame de France, 5 Leicester Place, London WC2H 7BX [Just off Leicester Square] Inspired by the story of St Maximilian Kolbe, this […]
Suggestions for parents at Mass with babies, toddlers or children

The parish of Brentwood Cathedral has just posted some ideas for parents who are bringing their babies, toddlers and children to Mass each Sunday. Some of these ideas were tested in the blogosphere a couple […]