Staff Writers
These unsigned articles are prepared by different members of the Jericho Tree team
Staff Writers's Latest Posts
Soldier to Saint: RISE Theatre’s inspirational play about St Alban is touring again this spring

Soldier to Saint is an explosive, original one-act play by RISE Theatre packing a powerful punch and bringing to life the inspirational story of Saint Alban, Britain’s first Christian martyr. Be immersed into the gritty […]
Archbishop re-activates Ecclesiastical Faculties of Heythrop College

Archbishop Vincent Nichols celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving in the Maria Assumpta Chapel at Heythrop College on 20 January 2014 to mark the re-establishment of the ecclesiastical faculties of theology and philosophy, together known as the […]
The dignity of the person as a foundation for healthcare ethics

A talk given by Prof David Jones from the Anscombe Bioethics Centre at Newman House Catholic Chaplaincy, the first in a series about healthcare ethics.
Vocation as exodus and transformation: message of Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Some beautiful passages from Pope Francis about the radical call at the heart of every Christian vocation. You can read the full text of his recent message here. It is Christ, therefore, who continually summons […]
Loneliness, Part 2: reflection

Why do most of us have such a problem with the idea of being alone? Is solitude always a bad thing? Following on from yesterday’s statistical look at loneliness in the lives of the elderly, […]
Dying and Rising in Christ – a retreat at Worth Abbey from 7 to 9 February

A weekend to prepare for Lent and Easter, reflecting on our journey of transformation through the Easter mystery – becoming conformed to the pattern of Christ through dying and rising in Him. The retreat offers […]
New cardinals from every corner of the globe

Joshua McElwee reports on yesterday’s announcement that Pope Francis has chosen a new set of cardinals for the Catholic Church: Pope Francis on Sunday announced who he has chosen as the new cardinals of the […]
Archbishop Vincent Nichols named Cardinal by Pope Francis

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has named the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, a Cardinal. The announcement came during Pope Francis’ Angelus in St Peters Square this morning, 12th January, in which he […]
Young people ‘feel they have nothing to live for’

A study for the Prince’s Trust suggests that as many as three quarters of a million young people in the UK may feel that they have nothing to live for, and that almost a third […]
Christmas: sacred and profane

Happy Christmas from everyone at Jericho Tree! We are taking a Christmas break and will be back in the new year. The image above is from a shop window on Tottenham Court Road; the image […]
Ordinariate’s first monastery to be erected

On New Year’s Day 2014 – a year to the day since they were received into the full communion of the Catholic Church – the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary will formally become the […]
Family stability more important for your children than finding the ‘best’ school?

How much energy parents spend – quite understandably – on finding the ‘right’ or ‘best’ school for their children. But perhaps there are more important things, even for the sake of their education and schooling. […]
When you don’t know how to help your child or where to turn

For any mothers who know they need God’s help in their family life but are not sure how to turn to him: Take a look at this information from the Mothers Prayers website. Mothers Prayers […]
New Rector appointed to Allen Hall Seminary

News came out today that Fr Roger Taylor, the current Vice-Rector, has been appointed by Archbishop Vincent Nichols to be the new Rector at Allen Hall, the seminary of the Archdiocese of Westminster. Fr Michael O’Boy, […]
Student Cross – looking ahead to Holy Week 2014

Student Cross is a pilgrimage organised by and for students, young adults, and pilgrims of all ages, which has been running since 1948. Pilgrims experience Holy Week and the joy of the Resurrection as a […]
Nightfever comes to London again on Sat 7th December

Nightfever comes to St Patrick’s Church again, in Soho Square, on Saturday 7th December. See the London homepage here. This information is from their website: Welcome to Nighfever London We invite you to come and […]
Marriage enrichment weekends coming up

Take a look at the SmartLoving website for details of some marriage enrichment weekends that are taking place over the next few months. Couples who stay successfully and happily married have made marriage their mission. […]
The Disciples’ Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present Day

A new book of essays about the theology of vocation, edited by Fr Christopher Jamison, published by Bloomsbury. Here is the publisher’s blurb: There is currently no shared language of vocation among Catholics in the […]
Huge ‘Pope Francis effect’ still felt in terms of Mass attendance and confessions

This report is from John Allen at the National Catholic Reporter. One of Italy’s best known sociologists of religion says more than half the country’s pastors report an increase in attendance at Mass and the […]