Peter Smith
Peter Smith is a barrister specialising in commercial and media litigation in London. He has previously worked for Sir Edward Leigh MP
Peter Smith's Latest Posts
It is vital that young Catholics involve themselves in politics

I’ve just written a piece for the Catholic Herald about the involvement of young Catholics in public life. In May this year, the country will return to the polls to elect a successor to the […]
The ‘reasonable accommodation’ of faith in the workplace

Many readers will recall the case of Celestina Mba, the Baptist sacked by a London council because she did not want to work on Sundays, which (following the Fourth Commandment) she regarded as exclusively for rest and worship. Mrs Mba was […]
The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope

I’ve written a review of Austen Ivereigh’s new biography of Pope Francis at the Quadrapheme website. You can read the full review here; and see the first few paragraphs copied below. There is, in Buenos Aires, […]
Nudge theory and the pro-life movement

In a recent post I explained how a successful set of ‘nudges’ can radically reorientate someone’s thinking and behaviour, and how the pro-life movement can learn from this. Many are vaguely familiar with ‘nudge’ theory. Originally […]
Abby Johnson’s pro-life conversion

On Friday last week, fresh from the studios of Women’s Hour, Abby Johnson spoke to the Catholic Voices Academy in London about “Changing Minds on Abortion”. Abby is a former executive at Planned Parenthood in Texas […]
Prisoner voting rights: what should Catholics think?

In the UK there is a ban on all prisoners from voting in elections. This applies to all prisoners who have been convicted, i.e. are not on remand awaiting trial or detained without conviction in […]