Joanne Hill
An experienced speaker on life and relationships issues, Joanne read physiology at the University of St Andrews, and studied philosophy under the French philosopher, Pere Marie-Dominique Philippe, OP. Subsequently specialising in bioethics, she gained a masters in bioethics from the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Rome, while working in education and media with the charity LIFE. She is currently developing her own bioethics project, Pierian Education.
Joanne Hill's Latest Posts
Gendercide: the reality of sex-selective abortion in the UK

Having spoken to thousands of students about the issue of abortion, most teenagers usually feel that abortion on the grounds of gender is “well, just wrong, Miss”, an attitude that seems to be shared by […]
Five years on from the HFE Act: whatever happened to cybrids?

Five years ago last month, a highly contentious Bill that had ignited months of fierce debate across the country, finally received Royal Assent. The Bill in question was the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, which […]
What women want: a monthly abortion pill?

What women want is a question pored over and pondered by many women and men. Films, psychology journals, women’s magazines, politicians, the ‘bloke down the pub’, as well as scientists, have flirted with and failed […]