Fr Jerome Santamaria
Fr Jerome Santamaria is a priest of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia.
Fr Jerome Santamaria's Latest Posts
When you don’t live in the same world

Two cities overlap. One house, for example, belongs to one city; the neighboring house belongs to another city. But the citizens of one city are not allowed to notice what is going on in the other […]
The perspective that faith brings to life

For many people, faith is seen as the way of the simpleton. If a believer doesn’t understand something, then instead of doing the hard work of investigation, one can simply say, ‘What a mystery,’ all […]
To love someone is to set them free

There are many times when we discover ourselves in another’s gaze. It happens when we come across someone who seems to know us better than we know ourselves. Someone who thinks we can achieve something, […]

Jesus tells us to be like servants waiting for their master to return (see the passage from St Luke’s Gospel below). Waiting is a great way into the spiritual life. It is relational: we are […]
Taking photos and living a counterfeit spiritual life

I came across a couple of interesting paragraphs in a recent review of an exhibition. The reviewer, Christopher Allen, describes the experience of the first room, in which are exhibited three emblematic pictures of the […]