Fiona Mansford
Fiona Mansford lives in London and is the National Director of Youth 2000, a Catholic charity that runs retreats to help young people encounter Christ, through the Catholic Church. Fiona also gives talks to young adults about love, sex and relationships. She has a BA in Theology and Religious Studies and has a particular interest in the writings of Blessed John Paul II in the area of the 'Theology of the Body'.
Fiona Mansford's Latest Posts
Do Catholics really need to share their testimonies?!

What does it mean to share your testimony? Why should we do it as Catholics? How can we do it wisely and effectively? A talk and workshop by Fiona Mansford, presented at Proclaim Westminster.
Pure in Heart retreat, 20-22 March

It’s coming… This year’s official Pure in Heart UK retreat! Led by Fr. Alan Sullivan, a Dominican priest from Dublin who has a great passion for the teachings of Theology of the Body – and […]
Why are we all still single?

Some information about upcoming events linked to the Pure in Heart group and the Theology of the Body: Wednesday February 4th: Why are we all still single?: A look at some of the cultural influences […]
The search for genuine friendship and love in today’s youth culture: Pure in Heart

Pure in Heart is a group of 18-35 year olds who seek to live out the Catholic Church’s teaching on chastity by means of prayer, friendship, study and mission. Pure in Heart started in Ireland following […]