Catholic Voices
These articles from Catholic Voices are re-posted here, with permission, from the Catholic Voices Comment website at http://cvcomment.org/
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Why abortion is not the response to Zika that Colombia’s poor need

The ‘Zika’ virus, which has exploded recently in western news outlets, has barely been off the headlines here in Colombia over the past three months [writes Dr Danelia Cardona in Bogotá]. Initially seen as yet another […]
The Year of Mercy: what you need to know about the Jubilee

The basics, please. This morning, during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Pope Francis will open the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, which lasts until November 20 […]
From the synod: Final report sets new direction for Church

[From Austen Ivereigh in Rome] The synod’s final report, approved in its entirety by 265 voting members yesterday evening, has spelled out ways in which the Catholic Church across the world can both bolster the family and help […]
Summary of new norms governing nullity procedures & press conference

The Vatican has released the following English-language summaries of the two documents promulgated today by Pope Francis reforming canonical processes for the declaration of nullity of marriage, in the Code of Canon Law (CIC) and the Code […]
Our response to the refugee crisis will be judged by history

[Post by Brenden Alejandro Thompson] In the Twitterstorm provoked by the harrowing image of a three-year-old Syrian boy dead on a Turkish beach, the hashtags #IAmAnImmigrant and #humanitywashedashore have been trending, together with an image of St […]
Francis’s bold message to abortion survivors: come and be freed

Pope Francis yesterday sent media and commentators into a tailspin after calling for all priests to be granted the faculty to absolve the sin of abortion during the Year of Mercy (see Crux). The bold gesture, […]
Francis declares 1 September ‘World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation’

Pope Francis has agreed with a request from the Orthodox for Catholics to join them in praying for creation on 1 September. The suggestion was made by Metropolitan John of Pergamon, who was part of […]
Laudato Si’: a summary of Pope Francis’s sweeping eco-encyclical

Pope Francis’s encyclical Praised Be You: On the Care of Our Common Home is available in full here. A brief, ’10 things you need to know’ video by Fr James Martin is here. Humanum has produced a […]
Laudato Si’ – the new Encyclical from Pope Francis: a landmark in modern church teaching that will shape a new future

When it appears tomorrow, Laudato Si’ — “Praised Be You” — will captivate and divide the world by issuing the most robust challenge to the contemporary myth of progress in recent times. Any other document […]
A Guide to the Family Synod, Part 3: ‘The Gospel of the Family’

[The third in a series by Elizabeth Howard considering the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops in October. The previous posts are here and here.] Part II of the […]
Scotland rejects assisted suicide

Members of the Scottish Parliament have voted down the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill for a second time by 82 votes to 36. In what amounts to a clear rejection of the principles of the Bill, first […]
Same-sex marriage in Ireland

The following statement was made by Senator Ronán Mullen, a leader of the campaign against amending the Irish referendum to allow same-sex marriage, following the decisive vote in favour of the amendment by 61 per cent […]
A Guide to the Family Synod, Part II: ‘contemporary challenges’

[The second in a series by Elizabeth Howard considering the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops in October] After the ‘Introduction’ (discussed in my previous post), the […]
The Synod on the Family: Listening

[This is the first in a series by Elizabeth Howard looking at the questions that have been put to the world’s bishops’ conferences in the run-up to the synod of bishops in October] After the Extraordinary Synod […]
Parliament approval of ‘3-parent embryos’ crosses a line, warn critics

The bishop representing the Catholic Church’s opposition to so-called “three-parent embryos” said he hoped there would be alternative means found to treat mitochondrial diseases that did not involve the destruction of human embryos. Bishop John […]
UK Churches speak out against bid to allow ‘three-parent’ embryos

The Church of England and the Catholic Church have issued statements urging MPs next Tuesday to vote against allowing the UK to be the first country in the world to allow a new genetic technology that critics say is […]
Extraordinary Synod final report: English translation of the relatio synodi

What follows is the official English translation of the Relatio Synodi, the concluding report of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops, which was voted on by 183 synod fathers at the conclusion of the meeting in […]
From the synod: the message to the People of God

The following message was approved by the synod this morning by 158 out of the 174 voting members. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, who headed the team redacting it, described it as a paraclesis, an early-Church literary form which […]
Annulment reform: the synod’s first fruit

With cardinals who head the world’s major dioceses lining up against Cardinal Walter Kasper’s proposals to provide a path back to the Eucharist for those who have entered new relationships after divorcing, reform is increasingly shifting to the sphere […]