Anne Morton
I am, amongst other things, a Catholic homeschooling mother of eight children...
Anne Morton's Latest Posts
St Joseph – a role model for the young and a man for our times

The feast of St. Joseph is a wonderful day to celebrate the transformation of a humble carpenter into one of the greatest saints the world has ever known. Everything we know about St. Joseph comes […]
St Patrick

St. Patrick of Ireland – whose feast we celebrate today – is one of the world’s best known saints. He was born around 385, perhaps in Scotland, near Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and […]
Letting the heart be transformed this Lent

Ash Wednesday begins with an entreaty from God, one that has been heard down through the generations. It is an appeal from the very heart of God. He is calling his wayward children to […]
Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Pancake Tuesday, Whatever…

Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, is known by many names throughout the world. The most popular name globally, perhaps, is Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras, which literally means Fat Tuesday, is a carnival celebration […]
St Valentine: true love always requires sacrifice

History has it that Valentine was a priest in Rome around the time of the third Century. Along with his friend St Marius and his family he assisted the martyrs who were being persecuted under […]
Candlemas: The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Today we celebrate the feast of Candlemas which incorporates two feasts, the Presentation of Our Lord and the Purification of the Blessed Virgin. Both rites were obliged by Jewish law. You can read about them […]
St John Bosco – patron saint of young people

St John Bosco is one of those saints who can really appeal to children, especially boys. Born August 16th 1815 he was the youngest son of Francis and Margaret Bosco. He lived on a small […]
The Conversion of St Paul: a message for all of us today

An ardent persecutor of Christians in the early Church, Saul was a devout Jew. A man who was passionate about his faith, he had real zeal for the letter of the law. We first come […]
Traditions on the Feast of St Agnes

Agnes, a young Christian convert, is honored as one of the four great virgin martyrs of the Christian Church. She died for her faith in the early fourth century during the reign of Diocletian (284-305), […]
Christmas traditions: the breaking of the Oplatki bread

One of the loveliest traditions we started on Christmas Eve is one we took from our Polish friends, the breaking of the Oplatki bread. This tradition starts just before the evening meal. While the adults […]
Family traditions surrounding St Lucy’s Day

There are many legends surrounding St. Lucy. She is a young woman who courageously gave her life for the faith. Legend has it that St.Lucy and her mother prayed at the tomb of St. Agatha, […]
Our Lady of Guadalupe, St Juan Diego, and the theology of the Mexican piñata

Down through the centuries there have been many reported sightings of Our Lady. But maybe none with such dramatic consequences as when she appeared in Mexico in 1531. A poor Aztec Indian named Juan Diego […]
Celebrating Advent within the family: stories, festivities and food!

Christmas is on its way! For children, this is the most wonderful time of the year. A time of great celebration. However, we cannot go straight into the feast of Christmas without some preparation. Advent […]