Anne Morton
I am, amongst other things, a Catholic homeschooling mother of eight children...
Anne Morton's Latest Posts
St Peter and St Paul

I remember a few years ago coming across a prayer which seemed to speak straight to me. It went something like this; “Lord: don’t look now I have my foot in my mouth again. The […]
The Birth of St John the Baptist

So often today I think many Christians feel they are the lone voice crying out in the wilderness. When all our family members and friends have fallen away from their faith it can be very […]
St Aloyisus Gonzaga

What an inspiring young man, St Aloysius is. Not for any great deeds is he known, in many ways his was a very ordinary life lived quietly. But his faith led him to turn his […]
How to help your children have a solid and lasting faith

As a parent one of the most important and enduring gifts we can give our children and grandchildren is a faith in Jesus Christ and his saving power. But we should be under no illusion, […]
Creating a sanctuary or a “war room”

Many of you may not of yet seen the new film “War Room” from the Kendrick brothers. These men have made some of the best contemporary religious films I have seen. No they are not […]
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

I have often been told I have a very vivid imagination. This may be true. So often with our faith we have to use our imaginations to try and visualize the scenes we read about […]
St Maximillian Kolbe

So often the saints we read about were men and women of old. Today’s Saint Maximillian Kolbe is a relative modern Saint. Canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II – his life makes fascinating […]
St John-Baptiste-Marie Vianney: the Cure of Ars

If you’ve ever had a child suffer with difficulties at school then St John Vianney is the Saint for you. Born in Dardilly, near Lyon in France on 8th May 1786, John was a child […]
St Ignatius of Loyola

The Catholic Church is made up of so many men and women who started out a far cry from God but who then developed a deep passionate love for him. St. Ignatius Loyola was just […]
Advice for parents on the feast of St John the Baptist

I follow Archbishop William Goh of Singapore in his daily readings. I thought today’s was a particularly good one for parents. Here is the key section. You can read the whole piece here. The future of […]
St Margaret Clitherow

[St Margaret’s feast tends to get forgotten because it falls on 25th March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation. So this piece is being posted today instead.] Like many Yorkshire women, Margaret Clitherow was not afraid […]
Gifts for a King

The Feast of the Epiphany, traditionally celebrated on 6th January, is moved to this Sunday in some countries. We celebrate the arrival of the “The Three Kings” or ” Wise Men” from the East who […]
The importance of our church buildings

Today the Church celebrates the dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome. This Church was the first one to be built when the persecution of the Christians came to an end under […]
Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve? What is a Christian parent to do…

The one thing about October half term is the ever present Halloween parties that seem to hold children in such great sway. Halloween is fast becoming a nightmare for Christians parents who feel it epitomizes […]
St John Paul II

It is really exciting to be able to write about a man I greatly admired; and someone I had the privilege to see. Karol Josef Wojtyla, known to the world as John Paul II […]
St John Chrysostom

Deception and intrigue worthy of any James Bond movie seem to surround the life of this great preacher. Given the title ‘Chrysostom’ which translates from the Greek as “golden mouthed” because of his great oratory […]
Celebrating the feasts of St Monica and St Augustine

On Wednesday and Thursday this week we celebrate two great Saints, St. Monica and her son St. Augustine. Monica is a great example of Christian motherhood. In fact she is the patron of all married […]
Seven habits of highly effective Catholics

I am sure there are many people of a certain age who remember the title of a very popular book, Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Well I would like to put […]
From Lady Day in Nazareth to Waffle Day in Sweden

Nine months before the birth of our Saviour, the Angel Gabriel appeared to a young Jewish woman, who was alone in the quiet of the day. He announced God’s plan of salvation to her and […]