On the first Monday of the month, Ten Ten send a newsletter to parents who have attended a parent session in a school. The newsletter includes a chapter from the booklet “Being a Parent Today: Children, Faith and Family Life”, published by the CTS.
This month, we share with you an article written by other parents called Parenting and Family Life. There are lots of thoughts shared, some of which you may find useful. “Learning to live with imperfection” and remembering that “you are not SuperMum or SuperDad” is particularly useful advice!
CLICK HERE to download the Parent Newsletter
Tags: family, parenting, Ten Ten
Martin O'Brien is the founder and Artistic Director of Ten Ten Theatre.
Starting his working life as a professional actor, Martin performed in the West End (Blood Brothers) and at the National Theatre (twice) as well as appearing in many TV dramas throughout the 1990’s. He then developed a second career as a writer, winning the BBC Northern Exposure Award for his play “On Eagles Wings” and writing for the BBC One drama “Doctors” and numerous radio plays.
He founded Ten Ten Theatre – a professional theatre company with an underlying Christian ethos rooted in the Catholic tradition - with his sister Clare in 2007. Since that time, Ten Ten has developed a wide-ranging programme in drama-based Relationship Education in primary schools, secondary schools and parishes, currently working with over 80,000 children and young people every year. The company has also won awards for its work with young offender institutions and has more recently moved into mainstream theatre productions, starting with the sell-out production of “Kolbe’s Gift” at the off-West End venue, The Leicester Square Theatre, in October 2013.
When not working, Martin tries (and sometimes, just sometimes, succeeds) to beat his 12-year-old nephew on Fifa…