What happens when you don’t put yourself in the centre?
St Paul tells us to be humble and self-effacing. But is this healthy? Does it mean we deny our own personalities and become faceless Christians? What really happens if we stop putting ourselves in the centre? You can listen to the audio here of a sermon by Fr Stephen Wang.
Tags: humility
Pogo-sticks, nanotechnology and an invitation to lie to the priest, these are not things you often hear in a sermon. I’m sure they’ll all come back next week!
‘How will you know the pitch of that great bell
Too large for you to stir? Let but a flute
Play ‘neath the fine-mixed metal: listen close
Till the right note flows forth, a silvery rill:
Then shall the huge bell tremble – then the mass
With myriad waves concurrent shall respond
In low soft unison.’